#@£&%§\~.. ..~\§%&£@#
£££&%§\~.. ..~\§%&£££
@@£&%§\~.. ..~\§%&£@@
#@£&%§\~.. ..~\§%&£@#
££%%§\\~.. ..~\\§%%££
&%§§~~~... vast miku! ...~~~§§%&
£%§~...... ......~§%£
#@£&%§\~.. ~~ ~~ ..~\§%&£@#
#@£&%§\~.. %& ..~\§%&£@#
#@£&%§\~.. \\~~~~~~\..\~~~~~~\\ ..~\§%&£@#
££%%%§\~.. ~~~~\§\ vast miku can be \§\~~~ ..~\§%%%££
#@£&%§\~.. .%%%%\~ experienced at night ~\%%%%. ..~\§%&£@#
#@£&%§\~.. ~\§%~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~%§\~ ..~\§%&£@#
££%\\..... &% .....\\%££
&%§§\..... %& .....\§§%&
#@£&%§\~.. ...~~~~~~~~~\\\\ \\\\~~~~~~~~~... ..~\§%&£@#
#@£&%§\~.. . sunset is a spell, the explosion . ..~\§%&£@#
##£&%§\~.. when the spell is cast, the seal that ..~\§%&£##
£&&&%§\~.. binds the day. and then finally comes ..~\§%&&&£
@£%%%§\~.. the night. the unnatural default state. ..~\§%%%£@
@££&%§\~.. and there she is, until the magic fades ..~\§%&££@
#@£&%§\~.. . and day begins again. . ..~\§%&£@#
#@£&%§\~.. ...~~~~~~~~~\\\\ \\\\~~~~~~~~~... ..~\§%&£@#
&§\....... &% .......\§&
&§§~...... %& ......~§§&
&§~....... ~~~\§%~~~~~~~~.. ..~~~~~~%§\~~~ .......~§&
##£&%§\~.. .%\~ vast miku is best experienced ~\%. ..~\§%&£##
##£&%§\~.. ~~~~\§\ lying down \§\~~~ ..~\§%&£##
##@£&§\~.. \\~~~~~~\..\~~~~~~\\ ..~\§&£@##
&&%\...... &% ......\%&&
#@£&%§\~.. ~~ ~~ ..~\§%&£@#
££%%§~.... ....~§%%££
@&%%\~.... ....~\%%&@
£&&§\~.... ....~\§&&£
##@&%§\~.. ..~\§%&@##
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