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#&$$==;«.. « . Wearing The Tears . « ..«;==$$
@@#&$=;«.. « . . . Of Failed Workers . . . « ..«;=$@@
@@#&$=;«.. « . As Water Pearls On Her Scales . « ..«;=$@@
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#$=;...... The Center Of The Universe ......;=$#
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@@#&$=;«.. . Launched To Envelop The Earth . ..«;=$@@
###&$=;«.. . And To Watch And Open Her Floodgates . ..«;=$##
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#@#&$=;«.. ; . . With A Disinterested Face . . ; ..«;=$@#
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##@#&$;«.. « . . Tracing The Shape Of Things . . « ..«;$@##
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