inner rings plant school
.£.£....££ ############ «««««««««««« ############ ..£..£.£..
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.....£..£. #£ « £# ££..£....£
£.....£... £££..£....
.£.....£.. the "inner rings" plant school was a £.££..£...
..£.....£. colony of space stations in co-orbit ..£££..£..
...£.....£ just above earths inner neutrino rings. ..£.££..£.
....£..... £...£££..£
£....£.... #£ « £# ££..£.££..
.£....£... ### ££:: «««« .....#..... «««« ::££ ### £££...£££.
..£....£.. #£ « £# £.££..£.££
£..£....£. ..£££...££
££..£....£ the school specialized in alien ..£.££..£.
£££..£.... plants suitable for the carnivores of ....£££...
£.££..£... earth, creating a cruelty-free diet ....£.££..
..£££..£.. which would be a stepping stone for ......£££.
..£.££..£. interspeices harmony. £.....£.££
£...£££..£ ££......££
££..£.££.. #£ « £# .££.....£.
£££...£££. ### ££:: «««« .....#..... «««« ::££ ### .£££......
£.££..£.££ #£ « £# .£.££.....
..£££...££ ...£££....
..£.££..£. at this point, any contact with the ...£.££...
....£££... colony is forbidden by interplanetary £....£££..
....£.££.. law, and attempting to dock is .£...£.££.
......£££. punishable by death without trial. ..£....£££
£.....£.££ ...£...£.£
££......££ #£ « £# ....£....£
.££.....£. ### ££:: «««« .....#..... «««« ::££ ### £....£...£
.£££...... ############ «««««««««««« ############ ££....£...
related: disease