@@#@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@#@@
#@#@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@#@#
###@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@###
@¤¤†~~~,,, ,,,~~~†¤¤@
@¤†-,,,,,, ,,,,,,-†¤@
##@@¤††~-, A ########### ,-~††¤@@##
#@#@¤††~-, ### # @@## ,-~††¤@#@#
@¤†-,,,,,, ###### # Friend # ###### ,,,,,,-†¤@
#@#@¤††~-, ##@@ # ### ,-~††¤@#@#
@@#@¤††~-, ########### ,-~††¤@#@@
@@#@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@#@@
@@¤††††~-, It Would Be Logistically Very Simple # ,-~††††¤@@
#@#@¤††~-, # To Replace Your Friends # # With ,-~††¤@#@#
@@#@¤††~-, Actors. # # They Would Hear A Knock # # ,-~††¤@#@@
##@#@¤†~-, On Their Front Door, Our Agent On The ,-~†¤@#@##
#@#@¤††~-, Other Side. # # The Agent Would Tell ,-~††¤@#@#
#@#@¤††~-, Your Friend That You'Re Acting Strange ,-~††¤@#@#
@@@@¤††~-, # # And That They Are Needed To Help ,-~††¤@@@@
@@#@¤††~-, You. # # They Would, On Their Way Being ,-~††¤@#@@
@¤††~--,,, Escorted # # To The Black Car Parked ,,,--~††¤@
##@††††~-, Outside, # # Glimpse Someone Looking ,-~††††@##
@#@@¤††~-, Eerily Like Them # # Being Led Toward ,-~††¤@@#@
#@¤††~-,,, Their House. # # But They Would ,,,-~††¤@#
@†~,,,,,,, Nevertheless Get In The Car ,,,,,,,~†@
###@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@###
##@@¤††~-, #### ####### ,-~††¤@@##
#@#@¤††~-, # @@## ### ,-~††¤@#@#
##@@¤††~-, # ###### ## ###### # ,-~††¤@@##
#@#@¤††~-, ### ##@@ # ,-~††¤@#@#
#@#@¤††~-, ####### Of Ours #### ,-~††¤@#@#
@@††††~,,, ,,,~††††@@
#@#@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@#@#
@##@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@##@
#@#@¤††~-, ,-~††¤@#@#
##@#@¤†~-, ,-~†¤@#@##