¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ,,, dreamwiki chronology ,,, ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# on the §first day§, there was a markup #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## language and a parser ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## on the %second day% there was a tagging ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# system and a link pool and a compiler #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## for it ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## on the \third day\ there was a caps ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# lock dance fest! #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# on the -fourth day- we got fancy #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## curtains! ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## on the ,fifth day, there was randomness ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## then i forgot about time ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨
¨,-\%§&@## ##@&§%\-,¨
¨¨,-\%§&@# #@&§%\-,¨¨