¨#..&,.§&@ ,&&¨#,§,§#
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,#¨,§¨¤¨,& .¤§.@.@.@@
,¤,££,&,&. ,.@,&,&¨,§
¨¤,.#,@,£¨ ,.§¨§¨§#
§¤&¤@£§§&¨ #«~~ ~== --= ~~~ ~«« «-= -=- ~-« »-»# ¨¨£#¨.¨&&@
¨.,¨¨¨...£ : page on snake handling. * ,,¤,#.,£,¨
,,.,¨¨.,¨£ #~»« ~=~ »~~ ~«- »~- »~« =~- ~«« «~-# ¤,@¤§#¨£§.
¨¨¨¨¨,¨..& ¨&£,..@¤.#
§,,¨.,¨,,¤ the goal is anyway to become lucid @#,¤.,&,¤¤
,§,...,¨¨# inside the dream (if the dream is a @,&@¤¨#¨
.£&¨¨,¨,.# container) or while the dream takes §@#.¨¤#,,&
@@,§.¨..¨£ place (if it is an event). this is ¨.¨£¨@¨@.#
.¨@&¤,¨,¨£ somehow to do with serpents. &..#£¤£§##
§,@¨,§..¨¤ ,£,£,¨¨,,.
££&&.&£.¨¤ #=~~ ==» -=~ -~» ~~= »~~ -»« ~»~ ~~»# ##&@§.¨¨¨.
@¨.¨##.£¨£ : i knew there would be snakes, they = #,,.¨#¨¨..
§#,¨#¨#§§¤ \ have this particular shape to them, / §#,..££,¨¨
£¨@.@,,¨ † makes them fit into cracks, \ ¨¨§,¨@.§¨,
##@##,.¤,¨ / into seams. \ ¨¨£&¨&§&@,
&.¨,,¤,##, : ¨¨.-~¤=».,¨ ; £.§,#&.,¨#
.§...&¤§¨£ \ (since realm-travelness is inversely \ £@#§§,@¨¨&
£@@¨.@,.@& \ proportional to size; larger animals : ,¨¨,¨@#£,£
¨.¨§,#¤,@. ^ have to stay put. / ¨¨¨¨,#.¨§§
£,,&¤£.§ * snakes can cheat this by being / ,,¨¨.#&.&.
§£,¤.¨@#,, ; almost one-dimensional.) = ¨¨.¨,#.&@@
¨.#§§,¤,@¨ #»=« ~~~ -~» ~»- =-~ »~~ »~- »~- «-=# £.¨¨,&¤&,¨
¨¨§..@@¤&£ @¤¨,¨¤.¨§.
.¨#§¨&.,,¨ eitherway. i did not fully understand .,£,.££¨¤@
¤,¤,¤¤£,,¨ which role they would play, or exactly .,§@.§¨¤¤¨
&£££#.,¤¨, «which» snakes they would be - the £.§,@@@&¨£
¨¨¨¨,£¨£&. nagas! the snake people. ¤@£§#¨¨¨¤¤
&¨.,¨@¤£.# .,..,¤.¨£.
¤§,,¨&,.¤£ you will want them to guide you if you §¨...£@¨¤&
,,@,,¤¤.§¨ can. they are excellent nidra guides, .@¨¨,@¨&£,
,,&@.#¨£§£ and many will take you on pro bono §##.,£@&,§
@.£,#¤@§¨¨ (i suspect they find amusement in our ¨..£,£¨¨§@
,@&@¤..,£, attempts to travel where we are not §,,#£§&.&¨
¨¤..¨#.. easy to be.) the problem is finding one. &&,§¨¨,£@@
@§£,¨&¤¨¤¨ .¨§§§,.@,.
&.,&¨#.§&§ #~-~ »«= ~=« ~»« ~=~ =-= ~»« ~«- »»~# &¨£¨,§¨@£¨
£&¨§£§¨. \ don't fret if your meeting does not ^ #@£@¨¤£¤¨£
,.¤@,.,,&¨ / go well - talking to a snake is \ .,,,&£¨.£&
#,£.&.,.@& / often a recursive matter. you will ^ ,..,¤.@.@,
££§&.,£. ^ meet many times as you fall deeper, † ,¨,,¤&@§@£
.¨.,,,£,§@ = once per stage, the snake taking † ,..,¤¨,.,,
,¨¨..¨£&@¨ ; various forms in succession (stream, : ¨,¨¨@¤,¨¨.
.,¨¨,.¤¨¨£ = snake, half-snake, queen, stream, * §¨,¨#.#,,.
¨,.¨,,@&.£ ^ thunder). you must repeat all \ ¨¤¨,#¤¤&..
.¨,¨,,§¨¤# = pleasantries each time as if you've ^ ¨££,¤,,.§¨
¨,.¨,.#&£. ^ never before met (although the snake ; .@.&£¤,,¤£
£¨.,,.¤.¨@ ; may choose to address you as an old = .#&£,.¤,£,
¤#¨.,.@@¨# = friend, follow their lead if so). = @£.¨£,@¤@§
¨,£,¨.§,#¤ #«~« ~~= «-= «-~ -=~ =»= =~= «-~ ==-# §¨£,¤££,¨,
¨¨#¤.,¤££¨ £&¤@§,.¤,,
,,@¨£.§,¨¤ they have something to do with water, @¨¨¨.¤.&@¨
¨¨#£¤¤¤£¨& some close relation to it. i've yet to §#.¨,@#£,¤
#¨§,.,,¨£& uncover what this is. but you might ,¨&¨¨¤.¨£&
.§@#,.,¨#, have a higher chance of finding one ¨¨@§¨¤£¨@,
¨&¨¨£¨¨.#& close to a river or lake...? ,,@,£§.#&§
#@#.#¤¨.§, ¨,@&¤¨¨.
¤,.£&.¤.£& i've also heard them mentioned together ,,¤¨.,£¨
¤#,@¨¤§@¤, with caves or "the world beneath the @¨#£¨&¨##@
,.&§@£,..@ world". coincidence? you find regular §,@@£&,.
¨.¤,..¤¨.§ snakes in regular caves. or - could ¨¨,§&.,,£.
¨,.,£¤,@ this be a reference to the dark lake? §..&,£.,#@
&¨&¨§,#¨£¤ the holy water in the center of your @&.&@#&,&¨
£@@#&&£&@, chest. guardians? ¨.§#,.¨¤@&
¨¨,,¨¨,.¨¤ ,¨&¨§,.&..
¨...,,¨,¨¤ #.£§¤§¨£¤.
¨.¨,¨,.¨¨§ .@£,¨.@§.¤
&,.,.¨.¨¨# &@¨§.¨§,@§
,§,...¨,¨£ #¨@&§,#¤§,