@#*»»»»»:, ,:»»»»»*#@
###@%*/»:, ,:»/*%@###
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@@%/»,,,,, :/%#@#######@#*», ,,,,,»/%@@
@#%**»:::, /##@%/:, ,:»*##@*: ,:::»**%#@
@#%*/»,,,, ,*#@/, :%#@» ,,,,»/*%#@
##@#%*/»:, *#@: ,*#@: ,:»/*%#@##
@@%%%*/»:, ,@#/ ,##/ ,:»/*%%%@@
@@@#%*/»:, ,##, *#* ,:»/*%#@@@
@#*////»:, @#, %#» ,:»////*#@
##@#%*/»:, /#/ ## ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, %@# *#% ,:»/*%#@##
@@@#%*/»:, ##@ »## ,:»/*%#@@@
#@%*»,,,,, ##@ earth yo »## ,,,,,»*%@#
###%**/»:, %@# *#% ,:»/**%###
##@#%*/»:, /#/ ## ,:»/*%#@##
####%*/»:, @#, %#» ,:»/*%####
@###%*/»:, ,##, *#* ,:»/*%###@
##%***/»:, ,@#» ,##/ ,:»/***%##
##@#%*/»:, *##: /#@: ,:»/*%#@##
##%//:,,,, ,%#@/, :%#@/ ,,,,://%##
@%%%%*/»:, ,/##@%/:, ,:»*##@*: ,:»/*%%%%@
###@#%/»:, :/%#@#######@#*», ,:»/%#@###
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
@@#*//:,,, ,,,://*#@@
##*/:,,,,, since it's in space nobody really knows ,,,,,:/*##
@%/»»:,,,, ,,,,:»»/%@
##@#%*/»:, whats up with it but we live on it ,:»/*%#@##
@##%%*/»:, ,:»/*%%##@
##*»,,,,,, nonetheless, because we're badasses ,,,,,,»*##
#*»,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,»*#
@%/»,,,,,, and don't really have a choice anyway. ,,,,,,»/%@
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
@@#**»»:,, ,,:»»**#@@
@%%*/::,,, ,,,::/*%%@
##@#%*/»:, it has a good friend in the moon. ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, it has a fur made of forests. ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, all known life orginates here, even ,:»/*%#@##
@@%%**/»:, ,:»/**%%@@
##@#%*/»:, that in dreams and thoughts. ,:»/*%#@##
###%*/»:,, ,,:»/*%###
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##
##@#%*/»:, ,:»/*%#@##