@##£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£##@
###£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£###
#£¤::¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨::¤£#
#@#£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£#@#
#@#£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£#@#
###£¤†:=:¨ recruiting takes place in peoples ¨:=:†¤£###
£¤†:::=¨¨¨ yards, or outside stores, or with a bit ¨¨¨=:::†¤£
##£¤†=¨¨¨¨ of violence and trickery. ¨¨¨¨=†¤£##
@££¤†::::¨ ¨::::†¤££@
@£†:::¨¨¨¨ throw the fourleggers into a van. ¨¨¨¨:::†£@
#@#£¤†:=:¨ decode them. sort them by species and ¨:=:†¤£#@#
@@#£¤†:=:¨ taste. ¨:=:†¤£#@@
@#££¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤££#@
#@#£¤†:=:¨ decorate the dog, decorate the dogs ¨:=:†¤£#@#
@#£¤†:==:¨ mind, upsize the paws, or the whole ¨:==:†¤£#@
#£†===¨¨¨¨ creature, frame a burroughs portrait, ¨¨¨¨===†£#
#@#£¤†:=:¨ sing a tune about being brought to your ¨:=:†¤£#@#
#¤¤::==¨¨¨ roads end and reborn as something else. ¨¨¨==::¤¤#
##@#£¤†:=¨ ¨=:†¤£#@##
@@#£¤†:=:¨ you can't go the same way, ¨:=:†¤£#@@
#@#£¤†:=:¨ unfortunately, though another path is ¨:=:†¤£#@#
#@#£¤†:=:¨ open. a grimier, grainier, more painful ¨:=:†¤£#@#
@£££¤†:=:¨ approach. hopefully bliss is at the end ¨:=:†¤£££@
#@#£¤†:=:¨ of it, but i don't know. might just ¨:=:†¤£#@#
£¤†=:::¨¨¨ ruin you. will probably ruin you. ¨¨¨:::=†¤£
#@#£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£#@#
£££†::::¨¨ ¨¨::::†£££
£¤††††:=:¨ ¨:=:††††¤£
£¤¤::¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨::¤¤£
@@#£¤†:=:¨ ¨:=:†¤£#@@
£†::¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨::†£