¤$~....... .......~$¤
#@¶¤&$*~,. .,~*$&¤¶@#
¶&$~...... ......~$&¶
@¶&$$$*~,. .,~*$$$&¶@
#@¶¤&$*~,. .,~*$&¤¶@#
¤&$*,,.... ~~~~ .,~~~¶&&&&&¶~~~,. ~~~~ ....,,*$&¤
@@¶¤&$*~,. ~ at sign, at sign, so many at signs.. ~ .,~*$&¤¶@@
##¶¤&$*~,. ~~~~ .,~~~¶&&&&&¶~~~,. ~~~~ .,~*$&¤¶##
#@¶¤&$*~,. . . . .,~*$&¤¶@#
#@¶¤&$*~,. . . . . .,~*$&¤¶@#
¶&$~,..... . . . . . . . . . .....,~$&¶
¤$~....... mom, what's an internet? . . . .......~$¤
@¶¶¤&$*~,. . . . . .,~*$&¤¶¶@
@¶&&&$*~,. , , , it's a kind of computer program .,~*$&&&¶@
¤$**,..... where you can send letters to the .....,**$¤
¤&&&&$*~,. tigers, .,~*$&&&&¤
¤&&&&$*~,. , , , even such a thing is possible. .,~*$&&&&¤
@¶&$~..... . . . .....~$&¶@
@@¶¤&$*~,. . . . . .,~*$&¤¶@@
¤$*,...... . . . . . ......,*$¤
#@¶¤&$*~,. how do i get it to run? press that .,~*$&¤¶@#
¶&&&&$*~,. button .,~*$&&&&¶
@¶¤¤&$*~,. . . . . . .. over there. .,~*$&¤¤¶@
¤$**~~~,.. ,,, ,,, ,,, . . . . . ..,~~~**$¤
¤¤¤&*,,... . . . ,,, . ,,, . ...,,*&¤¤¤
¤&&$$*~... right, and.now? . .......... ...~*$$&&¤
@¶&$~..... . .....~$&¶@
##¶¤&$*~,. . . . . wait.... & .,~*$&¤¶##
¶&*,...... . mom, there's a pop up. ..... . it ......,*&¶
##¶¤&$*~,. . . says the internet has been stolen! .,~*$&¤¶##
##¶¤&$*~,. . . . . .,~*$&¤¶##
¶¶¤$***~,. what? . . yeah, . .,~***$¤¶¶
#@¶¤&$*~,. . then we must search for it. . .,~*$&¤¶@#
##@¶¤&$*~, . . . . ,~*$&¤¶@##
#@¶¤&$*~,. not in the clothes chamber... . . .,~*$&¤¶@#
##@¤&$*~,. . . . not in the ice cream machine... .,~*$&¤@##
@@¶¤&$*~,. not behind the couch... . . . .,~*$&¤¶@@
¤&*,...... , , , , , ......,*&¤
@¤$$$*~,.. , look - stolen; gone from our world. , ..,~*$$$¤@
@¶¤¤&$*~,. , , , , , .,~*$&¤¤¶@
¶¤$***,... , , , , , ...,***$¤¶
¤$~~,,.... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ....,,~~$¤
@@¶¤&$*~,. $ here's the entrance to world three. $ .,~*$&¤¶@@
##@¶¤&$*,. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ .,*$&¤¶@##
¶&$$~..... $ $ $ .....~$$&¶
#@¶¤&$*~,. $ ok, let's go inside... $ $ $ .,~*$&¤¶@#
#@¶¤&$*~,. what a coup! yes! $ $ $ oh look, .,~*$&¤¶@#
##@¶&$*~,. there's the royal ship of naboo... .,~*$&¶@##
@@¶¤&$*~,. .,~*$&¤¶@@
@¶&$$~,... ...,~$$&¶@
¤&&$*~~~,. ~~~~ .,~~~¶&&&&&¶~~~,. ~~~~ .,~~~*$&&¤
@¤¤&$$*~,. *** database @ stolen *** .,~*$$&¤¤@
@¶¤&*~,... appeared on the electro-billboard. ...,~*&¤¶@
¤¤¤¤&$*~,. ~~~~ .,~~~¶&&&&&¶~~~,. ~~~~ .,~*$&¤¤¤¤
##@¶¤&$*~, ,~*$&¤¶@##
¤&*,,..... .....,,*&¤
¤&$*~..... they went inside their house and saw .....~*$&¤
##@¤&$*~,. the modem fast asleep on the carpet. .,~*$&¤@##
¶¶¶¤&$*~,. super duper spaceship! boo yah! the .,~*$&¤¶¶¶
#@¶¤&$*~,. thousandth planet we claim as ours! .,~*$&¤¶@#
#@¶¤&$*~,. .,~*$&¤¶@#
##@¶&$*~,. .,~*$&¶@##
#@¶¤&$*~,. .,~*$&¤¶@#
¤$*~~~~,.. ..,~~~~*$¤
¶&&*,..... .....,*&&¶