Inner Rings Plant school
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.££....£.. The "Inner rings" Plant school Was A £..£.....£
.£££....£. Colony Of Space stationS In Co-Orbit .£..£.....
.£.££....£ Just Above EarthS Inner Neutrino Rings. ..£..£....
...£££.... £..£..£...
...£.££... #£ « £# .£..£..£..
.....£££.. ### ££^^ «««« .....#..... «««« ^^££ ### ..£..£..£.
.....£.££. #£ « £# ...£..£..£
£......£££ ....£..£..
.£.....£.£ The School Specialized In Alien .....£..£.
..£......£ Plants Suitable For The CarnivoreS Of ......£..£
£..£.....£ Earth, Creating A Cruelty-Free Diet £......£..
.£..£..... Which Would Be A Stepping Stone For .£......£.
..£..£.... Interspeices Harmony. ..£......£
£..£..£... ...£......
.£..£..£.. #£ « £# ....£.....
..£..£..£. ### ££^^ «««« .....#..... «««« ^^££ ### .....£....
...£..£..£ #£ « £# ......£...
....£..£.. .......£..
.....£..£. At This Point, Any Contact With The ........£.
......£..£ Colony Is Forbidden By Interplanetary .........£
£......£.. Law, And Attempting To Dock Is £.........
.£......£. Punishable By Death Without Trial. ££........
..£......£ £££.......
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Related: Disease