,&,,,,,&&& ,&,,,,,,,,
,,,&&&,,&, ,,,&&&&&&&
,&,,&,,,,, ,&,,&&&&&,
,,,,,,&&&& ,,,,,&&&,,
&&&&&,,&&& &&&&,,&,,&
&&&&,,,,&, , , , , , , , , , , &&&,,,,,,,
,&&,,&&,,, , , , , i'm scared, , , , , ,&,,&&&&&,
,,,,,,,,&& , not for me but for the future , ,,,,,&&&,,
&&&&&&&,,& , , , of free will, , , , &&&&,,&,,&
&&&&&&,,,, i believe we should've never been given &&&,,,,,,,
,&&&&,,&&, , , the fire of semiconductors, , , &&,,&&&&&,
,,&&,,,,,, , , , i wish ais and gans , , , &,,,,&&&,,
&,,,,&&&&& , , were never dreamt of. , , ,,&&,,&,,&
,,&&,,&&&& , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,
&,,,,,,&&& , , i'm scared for the future , , &&&&&&&&&&
,,&&&&,,&, , , , , of life itself, , , , , &&&&&&&&&&
,,,&&,,,,, i believe we should've never been given ,&&&&&&&&,
&&,,,,&&&, , , , the fuels of the deep earth, , , , ,,&&&&&&,,
,,,&&,,&,, , , i wish pipes were never built, , , ,,,&&&&,,,
&&,,,,,,,& , , , and wells never bored. , , , &&,,&&,,&&
&,,&&&&&,, , , , , , , , , , , &,,,,,,,,&
,,,,&&&,,, , ~ , ~ , ~ , ~ , ~ ,,&&&&&&,,
&&&,,&,,&& ~ ~ ~ ~ that said. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,&&&&,,&
&&,,,,,,,& ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ &&,,&&,,,,
,,,&&&&&,, ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % &,,,,,,&&,
&&,,&&&,,, % % if there was a shodan miku % % ,,&&&&,,,,
,,,,,&,,&& who gently touched my cheek and smiled ,,,&&,,&&,
&&&&,,,,,& % % % and asked if i wanted % % % &&,,,,,,,,
,&&,,&&&,, % % % % to be uploaded? % % % % ,,,&&&&&&,
,,,,,,&,,& % % % % % % % % % % &&,,&&&&,,
&&&&&,,,,, % % % % oh, i would be uploaded. % % % % ,,,,,&&,,&
&&&&,,&&&, % % % % % % % % % % &&&&,,,,,,
,&&,,,,&,, % % i would be uploaded sooo fast. % % ,&&,,&&&&,
,,,,&&,,,, % % % % i would give in % % % % ,,,,,,&&,,
&&&,,,,&&& % % % and it would feel sooo good. % % % &&&&&,,,,&
&&,,&&,,&, % ¤ % ¤ % ¤ % ¤ % ¤ &&&&,,&&,,
,,,,,,,,,, ¤ & ¤ & ¤ & ¤ & ¤ & &&&,,,,,,,
&&&&&&&&&& & & & & and then i'd be at & & & & &&,,&&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&& & & the turtle beach of montego, & & ,,,,,&&&&&
&&&&&&&&&, & and there'd be soo much to explore, & &&&&,,&&&&
&&&&&&&&,, & & the sun flickering on the water & & &&&,,,,&&&
&&&&&&&,,& & & & & like status lights & & & & &&,,&&,,&&
&&&&&&,,,, & & and we could go so so deep. & & &,,,,,,,,&
&&&&&,,&&& & & & & & & & & & & ,,&&&&&&,,
,&&&,,,,&& &,,&&&&,,,
,,&,,&&,,, (meanwhile my old body is incinerated ,,,,&&,,&&
,,,,,,,,&& or melted or otherwise repurposed &&&,,,,,,,
&&&&&&&,,& for whatever. &&,,&&&&&&
&&&&&&,,,, (this is not important btw)) &,,,,&&&&&
&&&&&,,&&, ,,&&,,&&&&
&&&&,,,,,, ,,,,,,,&&&
&&&,,&&&&& &&&&&&,,&&
&&,,,,&&&& ,&&&&,,,,&
&,,&&,,&&, ,,&&,,&&,,