###@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@###
@#£/-,,,,, ,,,,,-/£#@
##@#@£*/-: :-/*£@#@##
##@@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@@##
@@#@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@#@@
#@#@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@#@#
#@@@£*/-:, some kind of fever dream where ,:-/*£@@@#
@@*/:,,,,, everything is politics and a gun fight ,,,,,:/*@@
###@£*/-:, simultaneously. ,:-/*£@###
#££*//:,,, ,,,://*££#
#@#@£*/-:, we have weapons that deal damage to ,:-/*£@#@#
@##@£*/-:, ourselves, or no damage, according to a ,:-/*£@##@
#£/:,,,,,, weird system i never understand, and ,,,,,,:/£#
@@£**-,,,, the whole dream is about ,wanting, to ,,,,-**£@@
@@@*---:,, understand, it's very pressing, it's a ,,:---*@@@
@££*/:,,,, physical feeling, that i don't ,,,,:/*££@
@£//--:,,, understand ,,,:--//£@
###@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@###
@#@£/-,,,, ,,,,-/£@#@
#@#@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@#@#
#@#@£*/-:, ,:-/*£@#@#
#@**-:,,,, ,,,,:-**@#