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&¨¨&&&¨&¨& #¨¨¨¨~ the fox ~¨¨¨¨# &&&¨&&¨&&¨
&&¨&¨¨&&&& ¨¨¨&&¨&&¨&
¨¨&&&¨&¨¨¨ the fox is a forest ship. like the &¨¨&¨&&¨&&
&¨&¨¨&&&¨¨ airship travels through air and the &&¨&&&¨&&¨
&&&&¨&¨¨&¨ spaceship travels through space, the ¨¨&&¨¨&&¨&
¨¨¨¨&&&¨&& fox travels through forest. ¨¨&¨&¨&¨&&
&¨¨¨&¨¨&&¨ ¨¨&&&&&&&¨
&&¨¨&&¨&¨& a little orange critter, a swat of &¨&¨¨¨¨¨¨&
¨¨&¨&¨&&&& colour underneath the trees, and he &&&&¨¨¨¨¨&
&¨&&&&&¨¨¨ often likes to take the shortcut over ¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨¨&
¨&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨ the lake, if frozen. &¨¨¨&&¨¨¨&
&&¨&¨¨¨&&¨ &&¨¨&¨&¨¨&
¨¨&&&¨¨&¨& a semi-rare sight, and a good omen. ¨¨&¨&&&&¨&
&¨&¨¨&¨&&& ¨¨&&&¨¨¨&&
¨&&&¨&&&¨¨ ¨¨&¨¨&¨¨&¨
¨&¨¨&&¨¨&¨ &¨&&¨&&¨&&
&&&¨&¨&¨&& ¨&&¨&&¨&&¨
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