£££.£.£££. £.££.£..£.
..££££..£. ££.£££.£££
.£...£.£££ .££..££..£
££..£££..£ £.£.£.£.££
.£.£..£.££ ££££££££..
££££.£££.. art school house dream. .......£..
...££..£.£ ......££.£
..£.£.£££. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# .....£.£££
.£££££..£. ....£££..£
£....£.££. slightly uptown on a grassy hill lies a ...£..£.££
£...£££.£. large repurposed institution. it's ..££.£££..
£..£..£££. several floors, a few hundred meters .£.££..£.£
£.££.£..££ wide. made of yellow bricks. £££.£.£££.
££.£££.£.. ..££££..££
.££..£££.. combined nightclub, cafe, gallery, art .£...£.£..
£.£.£..£.£ school. it's always open, people come ££..££££..
£££££.£££. and go. the basement is deeper than you .£.£...£.£
....££..££ would guess. ££££..£££.
...£.£.£.. ...£.£..£.
..££££££.£ it's messy. i've spread my things over ..££££.££.
.£.....£££ several floors, .£...££.£.
££....£..£ ££..£.£££.
.£...££.££ and due to a few many beers and some .£.£££..££
££..£.££.. secret rivalries, i decide i should £££..£.£.£
.£.£££.£.. leave. but where are my shoes... ..£.£££££.
£££..£££.. .£££....£.
..£.£..£.. #~~~ (looking for shoes) ~~~# £..£...£££
.££££.££.£ £.££..£..£
£...££.££. after a while they appear on my feet. ££.£.££.££
£..£.££.£. ok. .££££.££..
£.£££.£££. £...££.£.£
££..££..£. i'm crying of joy, i hug a friend and £..£.££££.
.£.£.£.££. it's good, we're close now, he can £.£££...££
£££££££.££ smell me (all according to plan). ££..£..£.£
......££.. .£.££.£££.
.....£.£.£ i find out who ruined my paintings and £££.££..£.
....£££££. i pull her hair. she cries from pain ..££.£.££.
...£....££ but does not beg forgiveness. .£.££££.£.
..££...£.£ £££...£££.
.£.£..£££. #~~~ (in the background) ~~~# ..£..£..£.
££££.£..£. .££.££.££.
...£££.££. sunset, orange and pink, city is a £.££.££.££
..£..££.£. black cutout. there's fires and ££.££.££.£
.££.£.££££ explosions on the ground. .££.££.£££
£.££££.... £.££.££..£
££...£...£ "the new way of shipping iron - with ££.££.£.£.
.£..££..£. the railgun. the iron slag is shot at .££.££££££
££.£.£.££. three hundred and thirty three meters £.££.....£
.££££££.££ per second, and at the receiving end an ££.£....£.
£.....££.£ eight square meter wooden cube is .£££...££.
£....£.££. launched to intercept it." £..£..£.££
£...£££.££ £.££.£££..
£..£..££.£ it looks like interstellar war. the ££.££..£.£
£.££.£.££. wooden block shatter into hundreds of .££.£.£££.
££.££££.££ wands. £.££££..££
.££...££.£ ££...£.£..
£.£..£.£££ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# .£..££££..
£££.£££... ££.£...£.£
..££..£..£ # house dream = railgun = structure # .£££..£££.
.£.£.££.£. # institution = maze # £..£.£..£.
£££££.££££ £.££££.££.
....££.... ££...££.££
...£.£...£ .£..£.££.£
..££££..£. ££.£££.£££
.£...£.£££ .££..££..£