#@¤^/«,,.. ..,,«/^¤@#
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
@@£//««... ...««//£@@
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
@¤£^/«,... ...,«/^£¤@
##@¤£^/«,. ###« «### .,«/^£¤@##
¤£^«...... # # ......«^£¤
@@@¤£^/«,. # tele migraine # .,«/^£¤@@@
##@¤£^/«,. # # .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. ###« «### .,«/^£¤@##
###¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤###
###@£^/«,. the so called "third migraine". it's .,«/^£@###
##@¤£^/«,. like a regular migraine but it does not .,«/^£¤@##
###@£^/«,. hurt there's no pain, the cosmos is .,«/^£@###
##@¤£^/«,. there and it's draining the evil .,«/^£¤@##
¤^^^/,,,.. straight out of the wound. ..,,,/^^^¤
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
¤^/«««,... it's massaging your temples, piercing ...,«««/^¤
@@£££^/«,. you, entering your blood, cracking the .,«/^£££@@
@££/««.... skull open. a paw grips your brain, ....««/££@
@¤¤^«,,,,. plays with it, pulls it out into the .,,,,«^¤¤@
#¤^/«««... cosmos. ...«««/^¤#
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
¤£^/,..... there's comets! space oddities. .....,/^£¤
##@¤£^/«,. solitary oscillations. carrier wave. .,«/^£¤@##
¤^^«...... burned away by the suns radiation until ......«^^¤
#¤^//«,... only the faintest trace remain, ...,«//^¤#
¤^«««««,.. eventually caught in the gravity well ..,«««««^¤
#¤££^^/«,. of some second rate water planet. .,«/^^££¤#
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
@@¤££^/«,. it's raining sap. .,«/^££¤@@
##@¤£^/«,. we're getting sweet and wet .,«/^£¤@##
###¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤###
¤^«««..... ###« «### .....«««^¤
¤¤¤£/,,... ...,,/£¤¤¤
@¤^^««««,. my lunch break is over and i need to .,««««^^¤@
@£^/«,.... get back to the shop. lynne is there ....,«/^£@
@¤^/,..... alone and hasn't eaten yet. i take the .....,/^¤@
¤£//,..... back route up from the beach to avoid .....,//£¤
##@¤£^/«,. the crowd. sing a little to myself. .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
#¤¤^/«««,. life gets to prosper outside of.@/««« - .,«««/^¤¤#
##@¤£^/«,. suddenly, an acid flashback: i step .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. down in my mind (like an open mind / .,«/^£¤@##
#¤^^«..... fractal stinger / bismuth staircase) .....«^^¤#
¤¤^«,..... and wade in shadows... surrounded by .....,«^¤¤
@£^/,..... memory negatives, .....,/^£@
@££^«,,... like uprocessed film.... ...,,«^££@
#@@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@@#
@¤^^^^/«,. ###« «### .,«/^^^^¤@
¤¤^«...... ......«^¤¤
##@¤£^/«,. we're closing for the evening. the shop .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. is in the bottom floor of a narrow .,«/^£¤@##
###@¤£/«,. mudbrick building, painted teal. we .,«/£¤@###
@¤£^^^/«,. live on the second floor, together with .,«/^^^£¤@
#@¤^///«,. the owner. as i close the metal .,«///^¤@#
##@¤£^/«,. curtain, behind its characteristic .,«/^£¤@##
#@£^««,,.. sharp rattling i can hear the ..,,««^£@#
@@¤^//«,.. curfew sirens. ..,«//^¤@@
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
¤£//««,... wormy street wolves outside, chasing ...,««//£¤
##@¤£^/«,. entrances in the dark alleyways, .,«/^£¤@##
¤^/,...... wanting in, getting desperate, lapsing ......,/^¤
¤¤¤^/«.... to search higher, on roofs, climbing on ....«/^¤¤¤
¤¤¤£^^/«,. balconies. and there's bound to be some .,«/^^£¤¤¤
¤£/«,..... reckless tourist who didn't heed the .....,«/£¤
#@@¤£^/«,. warnings, never closed their windows... .,«/^£¤@@#
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. or, in some cases, the houseowner had .,«/^£¤@##
¤¤¤¤£^/«,. the window bolts weakened, and when .,«/^£¤¤¤¤
@£///««... cleaning up the aftermath would pocket ...««///£@
@££/,,.... their belongings. ....,,/££@
#@£^^//«,. .,«//^^£@#
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
¤££^^^/«,. .,«/^^^££¤
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##
##@¤£^/«,. .,«/^£¤@##