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#@#@£%^-^, ,%@#^, ^£@#- ,^-^%£@#@#
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#@#@£%^-^, ,@@, %#% ,^-^%£@#@#
@@£%-,,,,, #@, £#- ,,,,,-%£@@
#£%-,,,,,, ^#^ @@ ,,,,,,-%£#
@£%^^^,,,, £## %#£ ,,,,^^^%£@
@%^^-^,,,, ### -## ,,,,^-^^%@
@@#@£%^-^, ### earth yo -## ,^-^%£@#@@
@@%%^^^^^, £## %#£ ,^^^^^%%@@
@£££%--^,, ^#^ @@ ,,^--%£££@
#£%^^^^,,, #@, £#- ,,,^^^^%£#
#@#@£%^-^, ,@@, %#% ,^-^%£@#@#
#£%%^^,,,, ,#@- ,@#^ ,,,,^^%%£#
#@£^-^^^,, %#@^ ^@#^ ,,^^^-^£@#
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@#£^^-,,,, ,^@@#£^^, ,^-%@@#%^ ,,,,-^^£#@
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@@££^---^, ,^---^££@@
#@#@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@#@#
#£^---,,,, ,,,,---^£#
#@#@£%^-^, since it's in space nobody really knows ,^-^%£@#@#
@#£^-^,,,, ,,,,^-^£#@
@%^-^,,,,, whats up with it but we live on it ,,,,,^-^%@
##@#@%^-^, ,^-^%@#@##
##@@£%^-^, nonetheless, because we're badasses ,^-^%£@@##
@%-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-%@
@@@££%^-^, and don't really have a choice anyway. ,^-^%££@@@
##@#@£%^-^ ^-^%£@#@##
###@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@###
@@#@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@#@@
@@#@£%^-^, it has a good friend in the moon. ,^-^%£@#@@
#@#@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@#@#
@@#@£%^-^, it has a fur made of forests. ,^-^%£@#@@
#@%^-^^,,, ,,,^^-^%@#
@##@£%^-^, all known life orginates here, even ,^-^%£@##@
@££%^^^,,, ,,,^^^%££@
@#@@£%^-^, that in dreams and thoughts. ,^-^%£@@#@
###@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@###
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##@#£%^-^, ,^-^%£#@##
@@#@£%^-^, ,^-^%£@#@@
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