§.....§.§§ .§.§..§.§§
§§......§§ ....§...§.
§§§.....§. §....§....
§.§§...... .§....§...
..§§§..... ..§....§..
..§.§§.... # «««««««««««««««««««« # ...§....§.
....§§§... = The Wolf pool Exists = ....§....§
§...§.§§.. = In A Stale Timeline, = .....§....
.§....§§§. = Branched Way Back = ......§...
..§...§.§§ = When Kirugu vargir = §......§..
...§....§§ = Was Almost Barren, = .§......§.
....§...§. Comprised Mostly Of Rock And Arid Soil, ..§......§
§....§.... And Plants Were Only Starting To Grow, §..§......
.§....§... = At All... = .§..§.....
..§....§.. # «««««««««««««««««««« # ..§..§....
.,,#¨,,¨@¨ §.¨£¨.£,.,
,..¨&¨.,.# Misplaced Explorers Traverse The &§¨¨#..£¨.
..,¨,#..,, Landscape, Searching For A Way Back, .¤£.,¤,,¤¨
¨¨¨...£,.. Finding Instead Only Stone And Dirt And .@&¤.,#.,@
@,,,¨¨.¤,¨ Roots That Are As Hard As The Ground. ¨§.#@,.#¨¨
,£¨,.,..§. It'S Getting Dark, They Are Thirsty, ¨,,&¤&¨¨£,
,¨#,¨.¨.,# And About To Find The Wolf pool. ,¨.£.¤¤¨.&
§.¨§,,,..¨ ¨,.¨,@§@,,
,£¨.#¨¨,,¨ .#¨ ...,,¤.§¤¨
¨¨¤¨,#¨.., .,¨,¨.,¤#¤
#..¤.,¤¨,¨ The Pool Lies In A Small Meteorite .,,¨.,.£.£
§#¨.£¨,@¨¨ Impact Crater, Sixty Meters Across. @,¨¨.,.¨,&
,&¤.,#¨.£. It'S Surface Is Pitch Black And Even ,@.¨,....#
.£,.#.,¤ Though It'S Not Well Protected, It Is ¨,&¨¨,¨..,
¨¤,&£¨.#¨¨ Undisturbed By Wind. #..#¨.¨.¨.
¨,,#@&,¨@¨ ¨¤¨,¤,.¨,,
,.¨§.¨.& ,#, .¨@,,#,..,
.¨,.¨@@#¨. ,.¨&.¨£.¨,
.¨¨..@.#§. As They Stumble On The Pool, The .,,.§.¨¤¨.
.,¨,,¨.§&& Explorers First Believe It To Be Water, ¤,.¨¨¤,¨§¨
¨..,,,.§¨£ Which Is Something They All Desire @¤,¨,.&.¨¤
#,¨...¨¨.@ Greatly At This Point. They Fail To £@¤¨.¨,¤¨¨
¨§..,.¨.,& Notice That The Stars Do Not Reflect On ¤,¤@¨¨.¨&¨
.,&,,¨.¨,. Its Surface. One Of Them Crouches To ,,£#&.,..&
¤..£,,¨,., Drink, Forms A Cup With His Hands, ¨¨¤,&&..¨¨
¨£.,#,,.¨¨ Lowers The Cup Into The Pool. #,,¨@#£¨,.
.,@¨¨§,.,¨ ¨§,¨#¨@@¨,
,.¨&¨¨§¨., He Tries To Resist At First, But Is Too ,¨§,,.@##¨
¨,¨¨£.¨@¨¨ Close, And He Quickly Gives Up As The ¤.¨£.,@¨&@
&....@,.#. Liquid Flows Into His Mind. The Others, ##¨,§.¨,@@
#@,¨.¨¤.¨¤ - Not Understanding The~Danger, Move ¤§§,¨¤¨.§,
##£¨¨.,&,, Closer To Help Their¨Friend. @,§#¨¨§¨.¨
§¨£¤,¨,.@¨ , » ~ , ¨ ¨¨§@§¨,@,,
.,£#&.,..# And,Then,The,Pool¨Announces.Itself ¨,¤,@&.¨§,
.¨&.£#¨,.. To,Them,-,Sudden.^,Thoughts¨Of¨ .¨.,@@@.¨§
§.¨,&¤#... .~-Dark»Wolves»¨Climbing,Out-Of~-^~ ,¨.¨&,@&,¨
,@..#¨¤@¨. ~«~The«Pool,=Surrounding*Them^-^=^ ¨,,..¨&£&.
,,£,¨,¤¨ \Sudden;Thoughts:Of«~:Climbing:*= @¨.,,¨&¨§£
£¨¨&.¨£, Into†The^Pool,*Their*Thirst§Flaring= §§¨.,..¨@#
¤&,.#¨¨,#& †%^Bright†-*¤A§Sudden$%Awareness# §¤¤¨...,§,
&§§.¨&,.@. #%Of%£Exactly¤#How¤They&Had#Traveled,¤# §,¨..,,.
£,¤@,.£¨¨. #&Of£The@Way@Home@#To@The#Time#From@# ..#§§.,,,.
,¨¤£&.¨£.¨ #@Where#They#Came,####@#@And@Then@### ¨.£¨§@¨¨¨,
.¨&,##.,&, #####The#Feeling#Of#This*Knowledge=« ,.¨¨##&¨¨,
,¨¨,#£¤.,# =-Being - Stolen «~ From ~=» Them. ¨ #¨,¨£.§¤¨,
,...&¨#&¨, «- ¨ «-= . ». ,= « ¨&¨,,,@#¤.
,.¨¨,,£. : ,, - , ,¨&,¨.¤¨@&
£,,,,,#¨#£ . ¨ . % .¨¨£¨..¨#@
§#..¨¨¨.#& ,,¨.#,¨.&¨
§#£,¨..¨&. .#¨ £..¨,£.,,,
#¨#@..,,.. ¨¤,¨.,&¨.¨
,.&@#,.¨.¨ And, .,§,¨,¨¤.,
.¨§¨@@.,¨¨ ,.¨@¨,,,#.
.,,.&§¤.., Now The Reach Of The Pool Has Widened. ,,¨¨§,¨.¨¤
@.¨¨§¨@#., Now Its Wolves See Further. ,¨...&¨.,.
.&.,,.@¤¤, .¨,,,,#¨.¨
¨,£,..&¨&§ @,,.¨.,§,,
¨,¨&...¨£¤ ¨§..,.,¨£.
.,..&,¨¨§, .¨§,.,,¨.£
#¨,.¨§,,¨¨ @¨,¤.¨¨,¨,