&...&&...& ..&.......
..&....&.. &...&&&&&.
&...&&...& ..&..&&&..
..&....&.. ......&...
&...&&...& &&&&&...&&
..&....&.. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # &&&&..&..&
....&&...& : the wolf pool exists : &&&.......
&&&....&.. : in a stale timeline, : &&..&&&&&&
&&..&&...& : branched way back : &....&&&&&
&......&.. : when kirugu vargir : ..&&..&&&&
..&&&&...& : was almost barren, : .......&&&
...&&..&.. comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, &&&&&&..&.
&&.......& and plants were only starting to grow, &&&&&.....
...&&&&&.. : at all... : &&&&..&&&.
&&..&&&... # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # .&&....&..
¨¨,¨.@.¨§@ ¨¨,.@@,..,
¤£&&,.,..§ misplaced explorers traverse the £&§¨.,,¤§#
#§@,,§&@¨, landscape, searching for a way back, #@,.¤@..¤£
¤#,..,£.¨£ finding instead only stone and dirt and ,¨..¨,,,.#
#,,££¨,.¨, roots that are as hard as the ground. #@§@££§&,¨
,,,..,@#£§ it's getting dark, they are thirsty, ¤#¤¤¤&&,,.
§£@&&¨¨#§¨ and about to find the wolf pool. §#§&@£¨¨¤#
¤###¨¨,¨,. ¨@@##¨,,,@
¤££¨¨#£&@. .#, ¨.@§..@§,¨
,£.,.,¤@.. &¨¨¨,¨..,.
...@#¨,..& the pool lies in a small meteorite .¨&§@§£¤
¨¤..,¨§¤,¨ impact crater, sixty meters across. &,¨#¤¤&£&,
..¨§§¨¨,¨@ it's surface is pitch black and even ¨¨¨¨¤£#£..
#¤,¨,¨&£,, though it's not well protected, it is £.,§£,¨§
#¨¨££¨¨,.£ undisturbed by wind. @&....,¨,.
..,,,,#£,¨ ¨¨¨¤¤@&£&¨
@¤#§#...,¤ ¨#¨ ##¨,§£§@,.
.££§.,¤£.¨ ¤¨,¨,@£.¨¨
..§¨.¨¨¨¨. as they stumble on the pool, the ,¨@¤,,,¨£@
,.¨¨&§¤#@§ explorers first believe it to be water, #,,¨.#¤..,
£§§¨¨§&¤§& which is something they all desire ¨¨£&.¨¨¨
¤§,.¨¨@# greatly at this point. they fail to #,¨,,&@,,£
&¨.££¨,&&@ notice that the stars do not reflect on .,£¤¨.¨,¨.
.¨,,,,,,@# its surface. one of them crouches to #,,,.£&§£.
#£#@§¨¨, drink, forms a cup with his hands, ,¨§£¨.¤§¨,
,¤@#@£..£& lowers the cup into the pool. §¨¨¨.¨¨..¨
¨¨&¤£¨¨¨,§ ..§&@§@@¤&
.,,£¨¨£@,, he tries to resist at first, but is too #,.¤@@£#£.
¤@,.,.,.,£ close, and he quickly gives up as the ,,¨¨@§¤§¨.
¨,¨&&¤&&¨, liquid flows into his mind. the others, @§¤,.§#,.¨
£¤¨,@#§.,, ~ not understanding the-danger, move #@¨,,¨.,£¤
§¨.¨¨£,.¤£ closer to help their.friend. ¤¨¨¤&.¨@
..#§.,¨.¨£ , ~ = , , .¨.¨#¤.¨..
@.¨.,@#&,, and.then¨the.pool.announces.itself &¤#.¨.¨¤@¤
.¨@¤,.&¨¨# to.them.-¨sudden.-,thoughts,of. &¤..&§.¨£@
¨.,¨,¨¨.,¨ .~~dark-wolves=¨climbing.out,of:,^» ¨¨,.¨¨¨¨.,
@@£#&@#§ =«=the«pool,~surrounding=them=-;;† £@#&&@£@&@
£@&¤§¤&¤£# :sudden;thoughts^of-»;climbing†§% £@££@¤&&@¤
¤§§#&&§¤¤¤ into§the\pool,=their$thirst$flaring$ ¤¤¤#¤#¤¤@@
#§@@¤& §%%bright§-§§a%sudden%@awareness# &¤&£#£&£
@##§###§ #§of££exactly##how@they@had¤traveled,$# £¤¤¤@§£&¤¤
#¤§££@&¤£& #&of§the@way¶home##to#the¶time#from@@ #&¤¤#@###§
£&@&£¤@¤&§ #@where@they#came,@#@###@and#then#### @&@#@&¤£
£§@#&&&£§£ #####the#feeling#of#this$knowledge/~ ¤§£¤§@####
¤#¤£#§#££# ~«being - stolen «- from -=» them. . ¤£§¤@@¤@
#£@£§¤#¤#¤ -~ , =~~ . ~. ~= « ¤&&§#&&§@#
¤@¤#¤@£&&¤ , ^. , , &&£@@§##£@
§¤@¤&§¤¤¤¤ . . . % §£££§##§¤¤
¤¤@@@@¤§ @&¤§#£##§#
&@£&@¤@§ ¨#¨ £§¤£¤¤§£
&¤##§&¤#¤& @£#§&¤£@
#@§££§#£ and, §#@¤#&£@¤#
&@§§@@@¤ ¤¤&&§@@&¤&
##£@#§¤¤#¤ now the reach of the pool has widened. @§£¤¤¤¤#£#
@¤¤£@£@§£§ now its wolves see further. @¤&§@@£¤@£
#§¤@#§@#§¤ &&@£#¤&§£§
#&¤¤#¤@#¤@ £@&&@£@¤
£#¤£§£#&@# §£#&§§££¤¤
§¤¤£§&§@¤¤ &§#§&&@&@§
§&¤#@@#£ £&§&&§¤@#@