¤,,,,,¤,¤, ¤,,¤,¤¤¤,,
,¤,,,,,,,¤ ,¤,,,¤,¤¤,
,,¤,,,,,,, ,,¤,,,,¤¤¤
¤,,¤,,,,,, ,,,¤,,,¤,¤
¤¤,,¤,,,,, ,,,,¤,,,,¤
,¤¤,,¤,,,, -¤# rain #¤- ,,,,,¤,,,¤
,¤¤¤,,¤,,, = ,,,,,,¤,,,
,¤,¤¤,,¤,, ,%¤@ downpour @¤%, ¤,,,,,,¤,,
,,,¤¤¤,,¤, = ¤¤,,,,,,¤,
,,,¤,¤¤,,¤ -¤## waters from #¤#- ,¤¤,,,,,,¤
¤,,,,¤¤¤,, ,%@ the skies @%, ,¤¤¤,,,,,,
,¤,,,¤,¤¤, ,¤,¤¤,,,,,
,,¤,,,,¤¤¤ rain offeres several advantages over ,,,¤¤¤,,,,
,,,¤,,,¤,¤ ordinary weather: ¤,,¤,¤¤,,,
,,,,¤,,,,¤ ,¤,,,¤¤¤,,
,,,,,¤,,,¤ there are beautiful sounds ,,¤,,¤,¤¤,
,,,,,,¤,,, ,,,¤,,,¤¤¤
¤,,,,,,¤,, the air feels cleaner ,,,,¤,,¤,¤
¤¤,,,,,,¤, ¤,,,,¤,,,¤
,¤¤,,,,,,¤ the temperature drops ,¤,,,,¤,,¤
,¤¤¤,,,,,, ,,¤,,,,¤,,
,¤,¤¤,,,,, there are fewer people going outside so ¤,,¤,,,,¤,
,,,¤¤¤,,,, you can more or less drink in public ,¤,,¤,,,,¤
¤,,¤,¤¤,,, ,,¤,,¤,,,,
,¤,,,¤¤¤,, plants get that water they crave ¤,,¤,,¤,,,
,,¤,,¤,¤¤, ,¤,,¤,,¤,,
,,,¤,,,¤¤¤ insects hide away ,,¤,,¤,,¤,
,,,,¤,,¤,¤ ¤,,¤,,¤,,¤
¤,,,,¤,,,¤ you can use umbrellas without looking ,¤,,¤,,¤,,
,¤,,,,¤,,¤ like a weird person ,,¤,,¤,,¤,
,,¤,,,,¤,, ¤,,¤,,¤,,¤
¤,,¤,,,,¤, any underground water reserves are ¤¤,,¤,,¤,,
,¤,,¤,,,,¤ replenished ,¤¤,,¤,,¤,
,,¤,,¤,,,, ,¤¤¤,,¤,,¤
¤,,¤,,¤,,, the water in the lake or sea feels ,¤,¤¤,,¤,,
,¤,,¤,,¤,, warmer in comparison, so its nicer ,,,¤¤¤,,¤,
,,¤,,¤,,¤, going swimming ,,,¤,¤¤,,¤
¤,,¤,,¤,,¤ ,,,,,¤¤¤,,
,¤,,¤,,¤,, after dark, streetlights will make ,,,,,¤,¤¤,
,,¤,,¤,,¤, groovy reflection in the asphalt ¤,,,,,,¤¤¤
¤,,¤,,¤,,¤ ¤¤,,,,,¤,¤
¤¤,,¤,,¤,, any potential pets will come inside ¤¤¤,,,,,,¤
,¤¤,,¤,,¤, ¤,¤¤,,,,,¤
,¤¤¤,,¤,,¤ ,,¤¤¤,,,,,
,¤,¤¤,,¤,, ,,¤,¤¤,,,,
,,,¤¤¤,,¤, ,,,,¤¤¤,,,
,,,¤,¤¤,,¤ ,,,,¤,¤¤,,
,,,,,¤¤¤,, ,,,,,,¤¤¤,