&&&&.&&&&. &&&.&&&&.&
....&&...& ...&&...&&
&...&.&..& &..&.&..&.
&&..&&&&.& &&.&&&&.&&
..&.&...&& ..&&...&&.
..&&&&..&. . . . . . . ..&.&..&.&
&.&...&.&& h o u s e &.&&&&.&&&
.&&&..&&&. . . . . . . &&&...&&..
.&..&.&..& &..&..&.&.
.&&.&&&&.& i mean like, you live in it an shit, .&.&&.&&&&
&&.&&...&& and you get to decorate &&&&.&&...
&.&&.&..&. &...&&.&..
&&&.&&&.&& or maybe (imean uuuuuh it )might be some &&..&.&&&.
&..&&..&&. one elses house... a house is a building ..&.&&&..&
.&.&.&.&.& you sleep in? or some person sleeps in? &.&&&..&.&
&&&&&&&&&& .&&..&.&&&
.......... it's a house if you &&.&.&&&..
.......... ,,. rent it .,, &.&&&&..&.
.......... ««. own it .«« &&&...&.&&
&......... ,,. like the colour .,, ...&..&&&.
&&........ ««. have a pet in there .«« ...&&.&..&
..&....... ,,. dream of it .,, &..&.&&&.&
&.&&...... ««. have a relation to it .«« .&.&&&..&&
.&&.&..... ,,. like the taste of it .,, .&&&..&.&.
.&.&&&.... ««. have friends there .«« .&..&.&&&&
&&&&..&... ,,. know it by heart .,, &&&.&&&...
&...&.&&.. ««. made it up .«« &..&&..&..
&&..&&&.&. ,,. do drugs there .,, .&.&.&.&&.
&.&.&..&&& ««. died there .«« &&&&&&&&.&
.&&&&&.&.. ... and if it's also where you sleep &.......&&
&&....&&&. .&......&.
&.&...&..& &&&.....&&
.&&&..&&.& if it's a place where you wake up at &..&....&.
.&..&.&.&& night but not in the morning we can &&.&&...&&
&&&.&&&&&. discuss it, call my phone number ..&&.&..&.
&..&&....& &.&.&&&.&&
.&.&.&...& &&&&&..&&.
.&&&&&&..& it could also be something you build .....&.&.&
&&.....&.& out of rocks and fabric for your &....&&&&&
..&....&&& unanimate anthro companion animal .&...&....
..&&...&.. &&&..&&...
..&.&..&&. ...&.&.&..
..&&&&.&.& ...&&&&&&.
..&...&&&& ...&.....&
&.&&..&... &..&&....&