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##@&%=†~-¨ ¨-~†=%&@##
@%%===†~-¨ ¨-~†===%%@
##@&%=†~-¨ ¨-~†=%&@##
##@&%=†~-¨ ¨-~†=%&@##
#@&===†~-¨ inside on the floor, two glowing ¨-~†===&@#
##@&%=†~-¨ squares of sunlight flooding in through ¨-~†=%&@##
#@@&%=†~-¨ the decorative windows. slowly making ¨-~†=%&@@#
##@&%=†~-¨ their way across the room, eventually ¨-~†=%&@##
###&%=†~-¨ coming across his body. like two arms ¨-~†=%##
@@&%†---¨¨ reaching his stomach, and then into his ¨¨---†%&@@
&==†-¨¨¨¨¨ ribcage, gripping something there. ¨¨¨¨¨-†==&
&&&%††-¨¨¨ ¨¨¨-††%&&&
##@&%=†~-¨ fox body pressing close. its eyes ¨-~†=%&@##
#@%%%=†~-¨ opening his, asleep but staring into ¨-~†=%%%@#
@&&=~¨¨¨¨¨ its pupils, into the surface of the sun. ¨¨¨¨¨~=&&@
#&==†-¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨-†==
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