.£...££.£. £..£.££...
££..£.££££ £.£££.£...
.£.£££.... ££..£££..£
£££..£...£ .£.£..£.££
..£.££..£. ££££.£££..
.£££.£.££. #.# cave sense #.# ...££..£..
£..££££.££ ..£.£.££..
£.£...££.£ #§...§# .£££££.£.£
£££..£.££. #.# £....££££.
..£.£££.££ £...£...££
.£££..££.£ you can tap into the cave wherever you £..££..£.£
£..£.£.£££ go. with training, or with drugs... £.£.£.££££
£.£££££... some people are always like this. ££££££....
££....£... .....£...£
.£...££..£ the cave is built in, an intrinsic ....££..£.
££..£.£.££ animal part. it's come to be associated ...£.£.££.
.£.£££££.£ with the lizards, and it's true that ..£££££.££
£££....££. they are very close to it in their .£....££.£
..£...£.£. lives. but as long as youre an animal, ££...£.££.
.££..££££. it's always there, changing shape with .£..£££.£.
£.£.£...£. you. ££.£..£££.
£££££..££. .£££.£..££
....£.£.££ the mind is good at relativizing £..£££.£..
...£££££.£ things, placing them within its current £.£..£££..
..£....££. frame of reference. and the lizard £££.£..£..
.££...£.££ brain is good at absolutes. in the end, ..£££.££..
£.£..£££.£ the best and worst things are both .£..££.£..
£££.£..£££ within hearing range. everything else ££.£.£££.£
..£££.£... is forgotten. .££££..££.
.£..£££... £...£.£.£.
££.£..£..£ #.# £..££££££.
.£££.££.££ £.£.....££
£..££.££.£ everything is specific, and local. £££....£.£
£.£.££.£££ there are no generalizations. there is ..£...£££.
££££.££... no object permanence. what you .££..£..££
...££.£... experience is acute, ineffable, and you £.£.££.£..
..£.£££... need to act. every subsection of your ££££.£££..
.£££..£... body has a consciousness and a voice. ...££..£..
£..£.££..£ everything you see can also see you, ..£.£.££..
£.£££.£.£. through the pupil in your eye. the .£££££.£.£
££..££££££ stones are slippery. the air is inside £....££££.
.£.£...... you. £...£...££
££££...... £..££..£.£
...£.....£ £.£.£.£££.
..££....£. ££££££..£.
.£.£...£££ .....£.££.
££££..£..£ ....£££.£.
...£.££.£. ...£..££££