¨¨¨¨¨:~:£¶ ¶£:~:¨¨¨¨¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨¨¨¨::*### ###*::¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨::£#¶ £¶#¨¨¨¨¨ :#: ¨¨¨¨¨#¶£ ¶#£::¨¨¨¨¨
¨:~:*£#¶## Silverfinger Weed ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶¶# £¶#¨¨¨¨¨ :#: ¨¨¨¨¨#¶£ #¶¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#### ####£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#### This Flower Has Five Petals, One For ####£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£££¶¶ Each Traditional Sense (Hearing, Touch, ¶¶£££*:~:¨
¨¨¨:::££## Vision, Smelling, Tasting). ##££:::¨¨¨
¨:~:***££¶ ¶££***:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## Because You Can'T Know Which Is Which, ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶¶# You Mostly Eat The Whole Plant #¶¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## And Ignore The Senses You'Re Not ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## Interested In. ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨¨¨~~~***# The Flower Itself Is Small And Yellow #***~~~¨¨¨
¨:~:*£#¶## And Looks Kinda Inconsequential. ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## However, It Has Silvery Hairs... ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨::£¶ ¶£::¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨
¨:~:*£#¶## ##¶#£*:~:¨