§§§..§§.§. §§.§...§.§
..§.§.§§§. .§§§..§§§.
.§§§§§..§. §..§.§..§.
§....§.§§. §.§§§§.§§.
§...§§§.§§ §§...§§.§§
§..§..§§.. ....§§## kalmar ##§§.... .§..§.§§..
§.§§.§.§.§ §§.§§§.§.§
§§.§§§§§§§ i'm living with a friend and we are .§§..§§§§.
.§§......§ driving things to the extreme. i'm §.§.§...§§
§.§.....§. drunk three to four times a week and my §§§§§..§.§
§§§....§§. diet consists mainly of junk food. ....§.§§§.
..§...§.§. ...§§§..§§
.§§..§§§§. i know the layout of the whole town, in ..§..§.§.§
§.§.§...§§ less than a year we've been on every .§§.§§§§§§
§§§§§..§.§ street at least once. there's no §.§§......
....§.§§§. income. i'm dying, fast. §§.§.....§
...§§§..§. .§§§....§§
..§..§.§§§ the actual place is beautiful, and the §..§...§.§
.§§.§§§... apartment too. i truly miss it. §.§§..§§§§
§.§§..§..§ §§.§.§...§
§§.§.§§.§. .§§§§§..§.
.§§§§.§§§§ §....§.§§§
§...§§.... §...§§§..§
§..§.§...§ §..§..§.§.