,,,,,,,,,, ,§,,,,,§§§
,§§§§§§§§§ ,,,§§§,,§,
,,§§§§§§§§ §§,,§,,,,,
§,,§§§§§§§ §,,,,,§§§§
,,,,§§§§§§ ,,§§§,,§§§
,§§,,§§§§§ §,,§,,,,§,
,,,,,,§§§§ ,,,=== outside ===,, ,,,,,§§,,,
§§§§§,,§§§ ^^^^*****^^^^ ,§§§,,,,§§
§§§§,,,,§§ ,,§,,§§,,§
§§§,,§§,,§ everything cool happens outisde! it's §,,,,,,,,,
,§,,,,,,,, where weather happens, it's the suns ,,§§§§§§§,
,,,§§§§§§, domain. ,,,§§§§§,,
§§,,§§§§,, §§,,§§§,,§
§,,,,§§,,§ trees are outside, rivers are outside, §,,,,§,,,,
,,§§,,,,,, most animals are outside. ,,§§,,,§§,
§,,,,§§§§§ ,,,,,§,,,,
,,§§,,§§§§ ^^^^*****^^^^ §§§§,,,§§,
§,,,,,,§§§ §§§,,§,,,,
,,§§§§,,§§ "inside" is an artificial construct ,§,,,,,§§,
§,,§§,,,,§ ,,,§§§,,,,
,,,,,,§§,, mathematically placed trees on the side ,§,,§,,§§,
§§§§§,,,,§ of the road ,,,,,,,,,,
,§§§,,§§,, ,§§§§§§§§,
,,§,,,,,,§ cities come at a peculiar and horrible ,,§§§§§§,,
§,,,§§§§,, cost, that must be kept secret. this is §,,§§§§,,§
,,§,,§§,,§ the power of "inside" ,,,,§§,,,,
§,,,,,,,,, §§§,,,,§§§
,,§§§§§§§, §§,,§§,,§§
,,,§§§§§,, §,,,,,,,,,
§§,,§§§,,, ,,§§§§§§§§
§,,,,§,,§§ ,,,§§§§§§§
,,§§,,,,,§ §§,,§§§§§§