&..&&.&.&& ..&..&&..&
&.&.&&&&.. .&&.&.&.&.
&&&&...&.& &.&&&&&&&&
...&..&&&. &&........
..&&.&..&. .&........
.&.&&&.&&. &&........
&&&..&&.&. . . .&........
..&.&.&&&& stockros &&.......&
.&&&&&.... (long rose) .&......&&
&....&.... . . &&.....&.&
&...&&.... .&....&&&.
&..&.&...& very powerful plants. likes to grow in &&...&..&&
&.&&&&..&& or near stones, concrete, marble, any .&..&&.&..
&&...&.&.. kind of structure. &&.&.&&&.&
.&..&&&&.. .&&&&..&&.
&&.&...&.& dreamishly large sprouts, stems, one &...&.&.&.
.&&&..&&&& per plant... filled with dense tangles &..&&&&&&&
&..&.&...& of resting flowers (somewhat &.&......&
&.&&&&..&. dumpling-like), waiting to bust &&&.....&.
&&...&.&&& through, a violent process ..&....&&&
.&..&&&... .&&...&...
&&.&..&..& we don't know how that happens, maybe &.&..&&...
.&&&.&&.&. only the wind knows, like in that old &&&.&.&..&
&..&&.&&&. tune ..&&&&&.&&
&.&.&&..&. .&....&&..
&&&&.&.&&. &&...&.&.&
...&&&&.&& .&..&&&&&.
..&...&&.. &&.&....&.
.&&..&.&.. .&&&...&&.