.....,~~§# #§~~,.....
.....,~§#¶ ¶#§~,.....
.,~~;§§### ###§§;~~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
.....~~;§# #§;~~.....
.....~~§## ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; ##§~~.....
.....~§@@# #@@§~.....
.,~;§@#¶## ~~~~~;; ;;~~~~~ ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~~;;@@@# ;; ;; #@@@;;~~,.
.,~;§@#### ~~~~~~~~~;; jesper's field ;;~~~~~~~~~ ####@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ;; ;; ##¶#@§;~,.
......,;§# ~~~~~;; ;;~~~~~ #§;,......
.,~;§@@@## ;; ##@@@§;~,.
.,~;§@##¶¶ ¶¶##@§;~,.
....~§§#¶# suspicious and trap-like. just #¶#§§~....
.,~;§@#### east of g-town, if you follow the train ####@§;~,.
....,~§### tracks, suddenly the trees disappear ###§~,....
....,,~§## and make way for what looks like fifty ##§~,,....
.,~;§@¶### thousand square meters of orange grass. ###¶@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
.....~~§#¶ cold and endless metal rods ¶#§~~.....
......,;@¶ on their gravel bed, but just a few ¶@;,......
.,~;§@#¶## steps down and you're standing on the ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## field's edge. you're alone in this. no ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## other creature will go here. ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~~~~§@¶# further ahead you can see bushes in #¶@§~~~~,.
.,~;§@#¶## various colors, giving the area a ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@###¶ flowery vibe. they are thorny, and the ¶###@§;~,.
......~§## color comes from their twigs. ##§~......
.....,~§@¶ ¶@§~,.....
.,~;§@#¶## the real secret of the field is ##¶#@§;~,.
...~~;§@#¶ the depth beneath it. there is no ¶#@§;~~...
.,~;§@#¶¶# ground. the grass might be tall and #¶¶#@§;~,.
.....,,;@¶ bushy, but the roots have nothing to ¶@;,,.....
...,~~;@## grow in. they will huddle together in a ##@;~~,...
......~§## dense carpet but dare not stray ##§~......
.,~;§@#¶## downward. ##¶#@§;~,.
...,,,,;@¶ ¶@;,,,,...
......,~§# ;;~~~~~~~~;; #§~,......
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
...,,~§##¶ ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~;; ¶##§~,,...
.....~§§#¶ ¶#§§~.....
.,~;@#¶### ;;~~~~~~~~;; ###¶#@;~,.
.....,;§@¶ ¶@§;,.....
....~;@#¶# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #¶#@;~....
......~~§# , modern , chrome and , reach your , #§~~......
.,~;§@#¶## , european , plastic , destination , ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@###¶ , comfort , leather , effortlessly , ¶###@§;~,.
....,~;@## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##@;~,....
.,~;§§§@## ##@§§§;~,.
.,~;§§@@#¶ ¶#@@§§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@#¶## ##¶#@§;~,.
.,~;§@#### ####@§;~,.