¶#£%/~~~,. .,~~~/%£#¶
##£%~..... .....~%£##
#¶£/,,.... ....,,/£¶#
##¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. Breathe In, And Know That You Are .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. Breathing In. .,~/%£#¶##
¶££%%/~... ...~/%%££¶
¶###£%/~,. Breathe Out, And Know That You Are .,~/%£###¶
##¶#£%/~,. Breathing Out. .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. Count Your Breaths, Carry On. Breathe .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. Out A Second Slower. If It Feels Good, .,~/%£#¶##
##¶#£%/~,. Breathe In Slower As Well. .,~/%£#¶##
¶£%/,,.... ....,,/%£¶
##££/~~,,. Breathe In This Fashion For Five Or Six .,,~~/££##
####£%/~,. Breaths. Slower Again. .,~/%£####
#££/~~~... ...~~~/££#
¶¶£/~,.... Count Your Breaths Now, Twenty Times. ....,~/£¶¶
###¶£%/~,. .,~/%£¶###
###¶£%/~,. Return To Normal Breathing Protocol. .,~/%£¶###
¶¶#%%/~~,. .,~~/%%#¶¶
##¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶##
#%~....... .......~%#
##¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶##
#¶¶#£%/~,. .,~/%£#¶¶#