..@@..@... .@@...@..@
........@@ ....@.....
@@@@@@@..@ .@@...@@@@
@@@@@@.... ....@..@@@
@@@@@..@@@ @@@.....@@
@@@@....@@ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # @@..@@@..@
@@@..@@..@ ^ the wolf pool exists ^ .....@....
.@........ ^ in a stale timeline, ^ @@@@...@@.
...@@@@@@@ ^ branched way back ^ .@@..@....
@@..@@@@@@ ^ when kirugu vargir ^ .......@@@
@....@@@@@ ^ was almost barren, ^ @@@@@@..@@
..@@..@@@. comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, @@@@@....@
.......@.. and plants were only starting to grow, @@@@..@@..
@@@@@@...@ ^ at all... ^ @@@......@
@@@@@..@.. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # .@..@@@@..
¨¤§@,¨.¨,£ ..¨,¨§@,¨.
¨.§,,£@£¨. misplaced explorers traverse the @§££,,¨.§&
.,.¨¨¨#¨,. landscape, searching for a way back, @&@.¨§@,¨.
#£§¤¤¨,.£§ finding instead only stone and dirt and ¨&.,¨...&@
£¤§&¨.£,.# roots that are as hard as the ground. .¨¨§#.¨@
£#@....¨.¨ it's getting dark, they are thirsty, ,¤,,§#,¨.¨
¨#,,&¤£&§, and about to find the wolf pool. ¨.¨,¨¨¨#¤¨
..¨,¨§#&.¨ ¤&@&&§.,¨.
§¤#£,.#,.§ ,#, @££&@.¨£#@
@@&,,..,¨, &§.¨¨,#§
#§.¨@@## the pool lies in a small meteorite #£@,¨££,,@
&¨..,¤#@&@ impact crater, sixty meters across. ¨@,..,¨¨.¨
,,§¤¨,@#£¨ it's surface is pitch black and even ,¨,§#¤@&£,
§,,¨,,.£¨¨ though it's not well protected, it is #£..#£#@..
.¨¤§&¤¨¨.¨ undisturbed by wind. &,¨¨.@£¨¨¨
£..@£¨¨£¤@ .,,,,,&£
,¨¨....,¤, ¨#¨ §¨,¨.#@,¨#
,@#&£@&¨,, ,.¤£...¨..
,,§#£¤,.&¨ as they stumble on the pool, the ..¨..§#£&&
..¨£¤..... explorers first believe it to be water, #§@@¨.@&@.
@#,¨¨,££#¨ which is something they all desire ¨@§,¨.,&,¨
¨¨.£§.,¤¨. greatly at this point. they fail to ...,&@,.¨¨
#£¨.¨¨,,¨, notice that the stars do not reflect on @@£¨¨.¨#£@
£,.£§&@¤@& its surface. one of them crouches to §&.,§@,¨¤§
¨.,.§#&¨ drink, forms a cup with his hands, ¨,,.,¨.,.¤
,§¤.¨@£#¨. lowers the cup into the pool. §¤§§@@¤§,.
¨.,,.,§..§ §@£#¤@¤,¨&
.£¤@§.¨¨.¨ he tries to resist at first, but is too ###@.¨,.
¨,£&¨¨#£#& close, and he quickly gives up as the .&@@&.,@£§
.¨,¨...&@@ liquid flows into his mind. the others, .,¤#,,,¨&,
##£§¨.¤§ - not understanding the~danger, move &,¨,.#@¨.,
¨¤##@.,,.@ closer to help their¨friend. .¨¤£.,,¨#¨
¨¨@£¨,¨. . « ~ : ¨ .¨,,.#&,¨.
@.,¨,¨.,¨£ and.then,the.pool¨announces,itself ¤¤§#,.¨¨¤¤
,,¤¤@@§@¨. to¨them¨-,sudden.-,thoughts.of, ¨#&.,@¤,.£
,¨¨#§&£¨., ,-«dark»wolves~,climbing,out-of,.^~ ,¨¨.¨.,¨,,
¤#¨.&@¨¨§& -««the«pool,-surrounding/them^-*== &&@@@§#@@&
£,,,.,¨¨,, :sudden:thoughts*of«=*climbing†^^ ¤@&@§@§@&&
.¨@@@£#§£# into*the†pool,†their%thirst§flaring† §#£#@@£¤@&
,¨¨£&§¤§@. $^*bright*-*%a£sudden$$awareness# ¤&££@§£§@¨
##.,#£.. #£of%#exactly¤@how§they¤had&traveled,£# §¤§@§&§¤.¨
,.,¨,&@,,§ #¤of§the£way@home#@to¶the@time@from#£ #@@¤§##.¨.
§£@#,.¨¨,¨ #£where#they#came,##@####and#then@#@@ ¨&§&@§,.¤@
@¤£.,&@&¤¨ #####the#feeling#of#this*knowledge†= ¨,¤#@,,..¤
@§¨..,@&¨. ««being ~ stolen «~ from ~-» them. ¨ &¨¨§.¨&@.,
,¨¨@£,.,¨, »« , ~»= . «¨ ^« = ¨,....¨,.¨
££.¨¨.¤£¤£ , ~. ^ ¨ .§@&§&££¤¤
#..&&..§£& . ¨ , = ,,#¤#§#£¤#
¨,¨,¨,.¨#§ .,¨&¤##§§#
.¤&¤#@§.¨& ¨#, &@..£#§@#.
¨¨#&¤@,¨,, #,¨..§¤&.¨
£.¨@£,¨@§. and, ,.££¨,¤¨¨#
¨.,,,¨.... ¤,,,.¨¨.,¨
¤&@##£#@@# now the reach of the pool has widened. ,¨¤&£#§§
#§£#§&§#£§ now its wolves see further. §,,###@£¤#
@§#¤¤@&@¤. ,..¨#£@£££
¤@#£#¤¤@,¨ £#£,,£&&¤§
¤§#£§£¤,,¨ @£¨..¨@£#§
&§&§¤£¨¨@§ ¨,,&@,¨#§£
#@&¤&¨,¨¨¤ §&¨¨,,¨¨¤&