##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
@%%=...... ......=%%@
@@%%*==... ...==*%%@@
@@%=--.... ....--=%@@
@@@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@@@
##@@%%*=-. time to ..####.##.###.#####..ick .-=*%%@@##
#@@@%%*=-. =-... # time to get quick # ...-= .-=*%%@@@#
@%*=...... ..####.##.###.#####.. ......=*%@
@%*---.... ok something is going ....---*%@
#@%%=---.. on- i can get %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ..---=%%@#
##@@%%*=-. there is no question! .-=*%%@@##
#@@@%%*=-. *full* permission is given from myself .-=*%%@@@#
#@%%**=-.. to myself, to change this one later. ..-=**%%@#
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. i feel love toward mono-stretch algorith .-=*%%@@##
@%%%%*=--. ms that are allowed to be smart :( .--=*%%%%@
#@%%%=.... ....=%%%@#
##@@%%*=-. level check. things here around me have .-=*%%@@##
@@%*===--. a waiy rime yo havto hnge i libey .--===*%@@
#@%=...... to be sure to afford the time orto ......=%@#
@@@@%%*=-. be in time .-=*%%@@@@
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
@%*=...... and i have big things anyway. it starts ......=*%@
@@@%%*=... now. right and left in the lung ...=*%%@@@
#@%**--... ........ ......... ...--**%@#
##@@%%*=-. ........ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. ........ .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. ........ it tingles all ov .-=*%%@@##
@@%%%**=-. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o er my body, i'm .-=**%%%@@
@@%***--.. outside, walking chirs and further away. ..--***%@@
@%%%*-.... this is mine, my great forest. kinda, ....-*%%%@
##@@%%*=-. i kinda love it. ice kingdom, twelve .-=*%%@@##
@@%*=..... players, twelve players combine. .....=*%@@
###@@%%*=. i'm still her e and doing this. and this .=*%%@@###
#@@%***=-. is, the cloud, the general support .-=***%@@#
##@@%%*=-. stakes, the squeeze in arms and legs; .-=*%%@@##
@%%%=..... and the neck!!! kind of! inverted .....=%%%@
###@@%%*=. and on fire. .=*%%@@###
@@%*-..... .....-*%@@
@%%*--.... an attempt to speak. with signs? ....--*%%@
##@@%%*=-. for the sake of the edge. not an edge .-=*%%@@##
@@%=...... as in being edgy, but as an edge, ......=%@@
###@@%*=-. like those of lyras. .-=*%@@###
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
###@%%*=-. abandon that which has gone too far????? .-=*%%@###
##@@%%*=-. ((! ?=meta new. i'm backfiring somewhat. .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. for tf. square meta, backwards in time, .-=*%%@@##
@@@@%%*=-. in the meaning time, everyth-ing is @@@ .-=*%%@@@@
#@%%%**=-. leaking, my thoughts and meanings are @ .-=**%%%@#
###@%%*=-. leaking, leaking in tim e @@@@@@@@@@@@@ .-=*%%@###
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
@@@%=-.... ....-=%@@@
@%*-...... ###### ......-*%@
##@@%%*=-. ####there was a shadow of something .-=*%%@@##
#@%%%%*=-. enormous .-=*%%%%@#
@%*-...... a fear and a loop, in the same package, ......-*%@
###@%%*=-. and i was alone with the world .-=*%%@###
@@%%*-.... but it was familiar, or, i am inside out ....-*%%@@
###@%%*=-. and usual shapes are holograms now, and .-=*%%@###
###@%%*=-. i find myself as a pattern .-=*%%@###
##@@%%*=-. and i become myself again, through the .-=*%%@@##
@%*****=-. waterfall, .-=*****%@
#@@%=-.... it is like i am inside a sweater looking ....-=%@@#
##@@%%*=-. for where to put the arms, like emerging .-=*%%@@##
@@%*===... from under a sheat of acuteness ...===*%@@
@@@%*=.... and the world is no longer a ....=*%@@@
@%%%*=.... shapeless ....=*%%%@
##@@%%*=-. piece .-=*%%@@##
#@%%=..... and someone has to read all of this .....=%%@#
#@@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@@#
@@%%%=.... ....=%%%@@
@%*-...... ......-*%@
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##
##@@%%*=-. .-=*%%@@##