,:~/%$££## ##££$%/~:,
,:~~~%%$$£ £$$%%~~~:,
,:~/%$£££# #£££$%/~:,
,:~/%$££## ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%%$££# #££$%%/~:,
,:~/%$£### (Icarus) ###£$%/~:,
,,,:~%$$$£ £$$$%~:,,,
,,,,:://$£ I Had This Idea That You Could £$//::,,,,
,,,,,:/$££ Construct Reality checks (As For Lucid ££$/:,,,,,
,:~/%$££## Dreaming, Where You'D Learn This Habit ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%$$££# Of Trying To Sneakily Break The Rules #££$$%/~:,
,:~/%££### Of Causality Or Physics, Such As ###££%/~:,
,:~/%$££££ Flipping A Light Switch To See If It ££££$%/~:,
,:~/%$££## Actually Turns Off The Lights, Or ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%$££## Trying To Get Your Hands To Phase ##££$%/~:,
,,,,,,:~%£ Together. The Thought Being That If Any £%~:,,,,,,
,:~/%$££## Of The "Checks" Actually Worked, You'D ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%$£### Know You Were Dreaming) For Datura ###£$%/~:,
,,,~~%%%%£ Plants. £%%%%~~,,,
,:~/%$£££# #£££$%/~:,
,:~/%$$$£# I Thought, You Could Get In The Habit #£$$$%/~:,
,:~/%$££## Of Throwing Things On The Ground, Like ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%$££## Pens. Meant To Portray Cigarettes, ##££$%/~:,
,,:~~%$£££ Because Everyone Who Does Datura Smokes £££$%~~:,,
,:~/%$££## Cigarettes. (They In Fact Aren'T, And ##££$%/~:,
,,,,,:/$£# So Sooner Or Later The Cigarettes #£$/:,,,,,
,,,,,~%$££ Disappear, And They Search The Ground, ££$%~,,,,,
,,,,,,~/$£ But Nothing'S There.) Throwing Pens On £$/~,,,,,,
,,,,,~/%$£ The Ground And Picking Them Back Up. £$%/~,,,,,
,:~/%$£££# And Be Really Concerned If They Weren'T #£££$%/~:,
,,,,,:/$£# To Be There. #£$/:,,,,,
,,:~//$$££ ££$$//~:,,
,:~/%$£££# This Is Probably Not How Deliriants #£££$%/~:,
,,,::~~%%£ Work. But I Had The Thought. £%%~~::,,,
,::::~%%£# #£%%~::::,
,:~/%$££## ##££$%/~:,
,:~/%$£### ###£$%/~:,
,,::/%%$$£ £$$%%/::,,
,:~/%$££## ##££$%/~:,