,,@@,,,,@@ ,,,@,,,,,,
@,,,,@@,,, @@,,,@@@@@
,,@@,,,,@@ @,,@,,@@@@
,,,,,@@,,@ ,,,,,,,@@,
@@@@,,,,,, @@@@@@,,,,
,@@,,@@@@, list of vanished artifacts @@@@@,,@@,
,,,,,,@@,, @@@@,,,,,,
&§¤¤¤....¨ ..,¨..,..,,,,¨,,...¨,.¨¨¨,..,,,.,¨.¨.¨,¨ ¤.¨¤¤&£&
¤@¤£,.@§£@ ¨,¨,¨¨,,.,¨¨.,¨,¨,...¨,¨,.,¨...,¨.¨.¨... ¨¤¨,,,&§££
##§¨,.¨¤#. ,¨.¨. list of vanished artifacts ¨,..¨ ¨,.¤¤,¨@§§
§#,¨@¤¨... ..,,¨¨,¨,¨,,,.,¨...¨,,..,...,.¨,¨,.,¨,,. .&¨.,.¨.#¤
@.¨,¨.,¨ ¨..¨¨¨,.....,...,..,.,,,.¨,...¨.¨,,,.¨,. .¨¨§¤£#,.£
.¨£¤#@.¨,¨ ¨¤.,@#,,¨.
&,.#@,.@&& ~~»»«=-~»«-»~==«~~«-=~~»««~~~-« .¨...,¨£#&
¨...,..,@§ ~ things i've bought in shops = ,&£¤¤£¨.¤£
.@¤§#&¤,¨¤ ---=~~=«~~~«~~«=~~»~-»»«~~»«»~~ .¨@@¤,,¨.¨
,,£¤£#¨¨.¨ @..£.¨&&
,,,£#,¨££. teal tape player with too many buttons ,,,.¨.¨&£,
#¤¨¨¨,¨,,, ,@&£§£.¨,¨
.,,#¤£#§#¤ a crate of used ibm floppy disks - a ,¨£§£,¨£#¨
&@,.&@ cent for the whole thing ¨..§,.¨..,
,..,.###&§ ¤#¨¨.¤##§,
£§¤#.¨@£&, brand new floppy disks in aluminum or @¨¨¤,,#§,,
.§&¨..¨#,, clear plastic ,¨,,,..,¨.
,,,¨¤¤,.,, .#@&§¤££@£
,&£..,,£ ikea/te frekvens microphones ¨¨@¤£&¤#§,
¨.,¨¤&..££ ..¨£@§£§,.
¤§&¨¨...¨§ ny fatcap £@¨¨#@§¨¨&
&&.¨@§@@,, &,,¨,£¨¨..
.,...¤#.,¨ multilevel fold-out copper/glass mirror ,.§@,,.@§,
@¤¤@,,¨¨¤§ (could reflect sunlight even without a £..,.§.,..
,@#¨.#§¨,# line of sight to the sun) ,,¤¤.¨.£§.
,..¨¨¨..,. §¨..,&¨,¨,
§§&§&§£&£¨ two super long grundig dictaphones in ¨¨@@.,¨@@§
§#§#¤¤&@¨¨ purple/pink gold colours ¤¨.¨,&..¤#
¤§####¤¨¨, ..¤&,,...&
§§¤§§§¨¨@£ pebble-sized coins with ,..,¨@#§..
¨¤#&@,¨.,¨ playstation symbols £§,¨&,,,
,¨£&¨.§§&§ .#@,..,.#¤
,¨,,,¨¨#&¨ collection of two centimeter high amber .,.,£¤#,¨¨
¤@¤@#¤,.,¨ figurines of various creatures and ,@¤.¨#.¨§£
£@¤&@¨.¤§, characters ..¨¨¨¨..¨&
¤£#§.¨,¨.. @#£¤£&@&¨¨
,&@,.§#§ §¤¤¤£££.,¨
,.,,.,@#£& ¨@£¤#@.¨¤@
,§&£¤¨,#¤, =~=--»««~--~=~«»»~««==~~-»« ¨¨§@@...,.
¨,£§,..¨.¨ « things i've been gifted - ,,.¤.¨&&&@
,¨.¨,@¤##§ ~~«»»~-«=~=««~»~-«»~==~«~»~ &@,¨¨,¨@£,
&¤@@.,#§&& ¨..@@&.,¨.
.@£¨¨,.£§. a computer (looked like a gen three ¤&¨¨¤.¨¤§.
¨..,§&¨,,. imac) filled with blueprints for planes ¨,....¨.,¨
&@@,,..&§, and sleek spaceships ¤¤££¤#§&£&
@¤,,@£,.¨¨ ¨¤§§&¤§£##
¤¨.,¨,¨@£¤ six by three cm glittery furry sticker .,#&#£§@
¨¨§¤@§¨,££ (grinning purple wolf on yellow-green £.,¤§§#£
¨¨.££¨¨,,. leaves) ¨¨.¨&&¤&§¨
.¨¨,£¤&§ ££@¨,§£&,,
¨¨¨£&¨,¤#@ tiny metal dragon/horse figurine @@,¨.,@..,
##,¨.¨¨¨£¤ @,,#§¨¨,§£
&.¨#&§@.¨£ old instant camera with three ¨,.,¨¨&,.¤
.,,¨¤&.,.. dimensional focusing joystick @&§@#¨,.¨,
&¤&,...#@@ #&&§,.¤@¤£
..@£.¨§£ photographs of my teeth and tongue, .&@¨¨.,¤#¤
@,¨,.,¨,.@ taken from inside my mouth ¨.,¨##,.#¤
¨¨¤#£&£#,. §§£¨¨¨¨.,&
..¨&@@&..§ monster truck-sized regular car with a ¤£¨¨#£&&,,
..&@,,¨. minimum speed of forty kmh §¨,¨¨§§.,¤
@¨.,.,,§§. ,¨@#¨.¨,.¨
.,¤@&¤¨.¨. ¤,.¨¨£&§@.
@,,£¤,.#£¨ ,.¤&..££.¨
¨¨,¨,,¨¨,, «»=-~==«~--=~~«=»=~~«=» ¨,¨,.¨,,,.
&££@¤¤§@§§ « stolen/found things = @¤#£@@#¤¤#
&¤#&£@§@ «»~«~«~~»«~-~~»-»==~-«~ £#§£&£&¤
#@#§£¤#@ §§£§@§@#£§
£¤#@&&¤##& strange and very large flash card ¤@¤££#&&£#
&&¤§£&@£¤¤ ¤#£¤§&&§&¤
¤#£#£§#@#§ cassette tape tagged with blue ink &£§£@&@&§¤
§¤#¤£¤§§ @#@#&@@§¤£
§¤§£§¤#§¤# sticker sheet (tiny foxes doing various §¤¤¤#¤@###
&§#¤££@@ facial expressions) &&¤¤§¤£@£&
@¤§¤@§§¤§& &¤£¤&@¤@
£@¤£§£@#@§ lots of toothpick-sized drippy pens ¤&@§£@¤@#¤
@£@££¤§&§& with fluorescent neon ink #@£¤@¤¤&¤&
@#@£§&£@#¤ @£¤@¤@¤£@&
£¤¤§¤¤#§&§ mirror that shows you post-transition £#¤§¤¤&@§@
§§£#@£&§@¤ &£##@¤#§
&@&¤£##£££ #&@§&§§¤£@
§¤@##£§@&£ £#@#¤#§@@@
¤£¤¤¤£#@#& §£&&¤&§¤@&
§##¤§£§¤ @&£&&£&@@¤