......-;†@ @†;-......
.-~;†&@¶@# #@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@@¶@ @¶@@&†;~-.
....-;††&¶ ¶&††;-....
.-~;†&@¶@# #@¶@&†;~-.
...-~~~†@@ @@†~~~-...
.-~;†&@¶@# speed hole #@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶@# ;;;;;.;;;; #@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶@# #@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@@¶@ turn your walkman like a turtle. there @¶@@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶## might be something there that looks ##¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶@# like a screw hole but it could be a #@¶@&†;~-.
..--~~†††@ speed hole. @†††~~--..
......-~†@ the rule is if you can't get a @†~-......
...~;;†@@¶ reasonably small screwdriver in there, ¶@@†;;~...
....-;†&@@ it's not a screw hole. @@&†;-....
.-~;†&@@¶¶ ¶¶@@&†;~-.
.....--;&¶ @ usage @ ¶&;--.....
...--~††&¶ ¶&††~--...
.-~;†&@¶@@ use the speed hole like a screw hole @@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&&&&@ but with a tinier screwdriver @&&&&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶@@ @@¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&¶@## @ this @ ##@¶&†;~-.
.....-;&&¶ ¶ adjusts ¶ ¶&&;-.....
.-~;†&&@@@ # the # @@@&&†;~-.
.....~;&@@ .@ pitch @. @@&;~.....
....~;&@@@ @@@&;~....
.....-~†&¶ some cassette players have speed screws ¶&†~-.....
....-;†@@@ but no holes for them. to get to those @@@†;-....
.-~;;††@¶@ screws you need to dissasemble the @¶@††;;~-.
.-~;;;†&&¶ whole thing. could be worth it ¶&&†;;;~-.
.-~;;;&&¶@ @¶&&;;;~-.
....~~~;&¶ ¶&;~~~....
.-~;†&&@¶¶ ¶¶@&&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶## ##¶@&†;~-.
.-~;†&@¶@# #@¶@&†;~-.