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¨¨££££££££ ¨¨¨£££¨¨¨¨
£¨¨£££££££ # -------------------- # ££¨¨£¨¨£££
¨¨¨¨££££££ * the wolf pool exists * ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨££
¨££¨¨£££££ * in a stale timeline, * £££££££¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨££££ * branched way back * ££££££¨¨££
¨££££¨¨££¨ * when kirugu vargir * £££££¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨££¨¨¨¨¨¨ * was almost barren, * ¨£££¨¨££££
¨¨¨¨¨££££¨ comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, ¨¨£¨¨¨¨££¨
££££¨¨££¨¨ and plants were only starting to grow, ¨¨¨¨££¨¨¨¨
¨££¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ * at all... * £££¨¨¨¨££¨
¨¨¨¨££££££ # -------------------- # ££¨¨££¨¨¨¨
¤¤&¨.@@¤£@ §¨...,¨¤
£@¨,,.@@£# misplaced explorers traverse the ¨¨&£@£¨.§&
#.¨#&¨.£@£ landscape, searching for a way back, £¨¨&£¨..¨£
.¨¨,,... finding instead only stone and dirt and ..¨.,.@&..
£¤£@#@£.¨. roots that are as hard as the ground. &£@.,..#
##£§§&..¤§ it's getting dark, they are thirsty, ¨##¤,,¤£¨,
.§&§@..,¨. and about to find the wolf pool. ..§,.,,¨..
.,&&.,##§@ ¨,,¨£¤£&
,,.¨...@#& ,#. @@&¨¨§£&§,
£££¤£&,,§# ¤¤,¨.¨¤#,.
,¤£§§¨.,,, the pool lies in a small meteorite §¨¨.¨¨,¨
¨.@#,¨#§&& impact crater, sixty meters across. ,¨¨¨,,£¤£@
.¨.,¨¨,§#& it's surface is pitch black and even #@@¤§,,§§.
&§£¤§&.¨@@ though it's not well protected, it is £&&¤,¨...¨
,#&&&,..,, undisturbed by wind. #@#,,¤§££¨
¨,#&,.§# ,§.¨.¨#§¨¨
£¨,,,¨¨@&@ ,#. ¨¨,@§.¨¨¨@
¨,§§£§..§# .¤,,..¤¤..
@,.#£¨¨¨¨, as they stumble on the pool, the ¨¨.£§,,.,£
¨.¨,¨.¤@£¤ explorers first believe it to be water, ¤@,.,.#@¨.
§#£££¨¨¤£¨ which is something they all desire ¤¨,&&¨..¨@
&¤@£¨..¨¨. greatly at this point. they fail to ,.¨¨.¨@@.¨
.§§.¨&§¤£# notice that the stars do not reflect on §£§§&¨,,,¨
¨¨¨,¨¨£§@# its surface. one of them crouches to ,#&£¨¨@¤¤@
,@§§#¨.§#. drink, forms a cup with his hands, ,¨#¨¨¨¨§§¨
.¨@§¨¨¨,.¨ lowers the cup into the pool. .,.,§@...¨
§¨.¨¨£#&@§ ¤¤&¨,¨.§@¤
,,¤&,.¤&£@ he tries to resist at first, but is too ¤£¨¨#@.¨££
.,,¨¨,,#¤. close, and he quickly gives up as the §¨¨¨,¨¨,¨¨
##¤#¤&¨¨,¨ liquid flows into his mind. the others, ,,¤#§£££££
§§#£¤,,¤£. « not understanding the=danger, move §..&§@§¤§¤
£#§@¨¨.... closer to help their,friend. ¨,.,§&@@&§
#@¤¨.#¤§&. , - - ^ . #&&¨¨£¤§§#
#¤¨,.¨£#.¨ and¨then.the,pool,announces¨itself .#¨.¨,¤¤&¤
£,.¤§.¨,¨¤ to,them.-¨sudden.:¨thoughts.of. .,.¤@,.#@§
,,¨,¨.#£., ¨^»dark=wolves~.climbing,out~of,,,- ,&.¨,¨.,§@
,@§@§,,¨.@ ~~~the-pool,~surrounding=them†-;:; ,¨.£¤,..
,.@¤.,¤@¨. /sudden†thoughts;of«~;climbing:$$ ¨¤¨¨¤@..¤#
,¨.,¨¨,¨,¨ into†the:pool,=their^thirst%flaring* ¨¨...,,,.,
¤££¤@¤£§#@ †%*bright*-%¤a$sudden£%awareness# ££#@@¤&£§¤
£¤#@¤&&@§# #£of@@exactly¤@how@they#had#traveled,$# ¤§£@@&§§¤¤
¤&£¤##@@&£ #&of£the¶way#home¶@to#the#time#from#@ £@&§#&&£
£¤&¤¤§§& ##where#they#came,####@#@and#then@##@ §¤@@§@§@#@
@&£¤§#@£@£ #####the#feeling#of#this*knowledge†= £§§£¤§@#£&
#&&£&@£¤@§ ~-being ~ stolen ~« from ~~« them. ¨ &§§¤§§@@#&
#@££@£§&&@ =- ¨ «~- ¨ =, ^~ ~ £¤¤&£@¤&
&£#§@¤@#£# : ,: : . ¤@&§§@#£@£
#££@¤#§&@¤ , , ¨ * ¤£§@@@@@@¤
¤¤¤&&&&&@& &§#&§@#&&&
#&£&&§§¤#£ ,#. ££@£§@
&¤#&@&£#&@ @££@&£@@
@¤£#£§¤£ and, £@@#¤¤#&
¤@#@@#§§¤£ ¤&&§£#§£§@
#@¤§@¤@£@& now the reach of the pool has widened. ¤&§@#¤§§¤§
@&§&&§£§#¤ now its wolves see further. #£&¤§§§##£
&@&£@#¤#&£ @§#@@#@@£§
##£&¤#§¤@£ ¤§§¤§£@@#@
@#¤###¤¤&& §&§#@§
&&£#§§§§#@ &§§££#£@¤@
§&§¤@&¤@ #¤@###@#