£,,,£,££££ £,,£,,££,,
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£,£,£,,£,, £,££,£££££
,£££££,££, ,££,££,,,,
,£,,,,££,£ ,£,££,£,,,
,££,,,£,££ To Dream Is To Travel, Between Two ,£££,£££,,
,£,£,,£££, Points. But, If You Wake Up At The ,£,,££,,£,
,££££,£,,£ Wrong Moment, You Could End Up Where £££,£,£,££
££,,,£££,£ You Aren'T Supposed To Be... Se ,,,££££££,
£,£,,£,,££ Something You Wouldn'T Want To See... ,,,£,,,,,£
,£££,££,£, £,,££,,,,£
££,,££,£££ ££,£,£,,,£
.¨¤,§.§¤¨. ....,.,¨..¨¨,¨.¨.,..,¨,¨,¨¨¨..¨¨,,,¨.,.. £¨@§¤&@¨¨&
§¨#§¤¨§¨ ,¨,..,¨¨¨,.,.,¨...,,,¨.,.,..,,,,¨....¨¨. ,@@,..,§,£
.§£¨...¤¤@ ,...,,¨¨¨..¨..¨,,,.¨.,¨,..¨.¨¨.¨,¨,...., §@.¤¨,.£@&
§£¨#¨,¨&¨. Things To Consider: ,¨.,,¨¨.¨.,¨,¨,,..,. #¨§#§..£,.
&,§#@,,§¤¨ ¨¨¨.,.,.,,.,.¨.¨,.,¨,,¨,,¨.¨,¨¨¨¨...,.¨¨ §@&¨,§,¤§,
§§#¨¨#¨¤.§ ,¨ Consciousness: Do I Know Things I ¨.¨ #¨,£.§§@¨£
¨,¨§¨&¤§§£ ,..¨, Shoudln'T Know? ,¨¨...¨,,¨,,..,¨,, ¨@¨&.¨§§
&,.&§@.,., ¨¨ Actions: Do I, Or Someone Else, ¨.¨., ##¤¤.,&.@,
§§.£¨.£¨.. ,¨,.. Perform Actions That Are Normally ¨¨,¨¤,@§@£
..£¤&.#§¨¨ ,..,, Impossible? ,,.¨¨,.¨.¨¨,¨¨.¨..¨,.. ¨..,&¤&¨.¨
.¨§¨.§§,&. .. Form: Does Something Look Like It ,.¨ &¨,¨&,.£¨,
¨,#&.§.¤#@ .¨¨¨, Shouldn'T? Is There Some Kind Of . .£,¨£#,§§,
,.&¨§¤¨, ,,¨.. Anachronism Going On? ,,¨¨.¨¨..... £¤&¨§.£#,&
&.@#¤¨..¤. .¨ Context: Am I Somewhere Where It'S ., ¨¨¨@¤¤§,&¤
,@¤¨,§.,¤@ .¨,,, Impossible To Be? How Did I Get .¨ ,¨.&,.¨¤#¨
,§¨¤¨@£¨#. ¨,¨,. Where I Am, Where Were I Before, ¨ ¤.¨&¤..£¨£
§@£§£&.&¤& ..,.¨ Etc. ,¨.¨.¨...¨..¨..,,¨,.,¨.¨,,.,, #¤.£.@¨&§§
.,.,,,@@¨¨ ¨..¨,¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨,,,,.,,¨,¨.,,.,¨¨¨¨¨.,,..,. £,@¤&£¤#..
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,,¨,,,¤¤#£ ..¨..,..¨,.¨....¨,.,.¨.,¨¨,¨,¨.¨,...¨.,¨ ,..&¨...§£
&.,¨,,&.¨. ,.,.,.,¨¨¨,¨¨,¨¨,,,,,¨..¨¨.¨¨....¨..¨,¨, #¨,@¤,,,@,
¤@.,¨,£#.. ¨§.@,&.,¤@
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