,^~**%¤### ###¤%**~^,
,,,,,~~*%¤ ¤%*~~,,,,,
,^~**%@### ###@%**~^,
,,,,,^~**¤ ¤**~^,,,,,
,^~**%¤@## ##@¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## %%%%%%%%%%%%%**************%%%%%%%%%% ##@¤%**~^,
,,,,^^*%¤@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%**************%%%%%%%%%%% @¤%*^^,,,,
,,,,^~*¤¤¤ %%%%%%%%%%%%%**************%%%%%%%%%%% ¤¤¤*~^,,,,
,^~**%¤@## The Striped Worm, With Dripping %%%%% ##@¤%**~^,
,,,^^~~~*¤ Segments In Yellow, In Hot Pink, In%%%%% ¤*~~~^^,,,
,^~**%¤@## Purple, In Other Such Colors. ***** ##@¤%**~^,
,,,,,^~*¤¤ Silently: "It'S Not Real." (Repeat ***** ¤¤*~^,,,,,
,^~**%¤@@# To Yourself) "Its Not Real." You ***** #@@¤%**~^,
,,,^***¤¤¤ Stumble In The Cave And Drop The ***** ¤¤¤***^,,,
,^~**%@### Phone, Alerting The Worm. ***** ###@%**~^,
,,,,,,^*%@ *******%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%**************** @%*^,,,,,,
,,,~~**%¤# ********%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%**************** #¤%**~~,,,
,,,,,^*%%¤ ********%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*************** ¤%%*^,,,,,
,^~**%%%¤¤ ***** (In A Situation Like This You'Re ¤¤%%%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## ***** Meant To Call For Worm crew, But ##@¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## ***** Instead Here You Are Crawling ##@¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤¤¤# *****Backward On All Fours) The Worm Has #¤¤¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## %%%%% Started To Pulsate, So You Must ##@¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## %%%%% Avoid It'S Gaze, Which Is Hard ##@¤%**~^,
,,,^~*%%@@ %%%%%Since It Covers Your Entire Vision. @@%%*~^,,,
,^~**%@### %%%%%%%%%%*************************%%%% ###@%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## %%%%%%%%%%*************************%%%%% ##@¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤¤¤# %%%%%%%%%*************************%%%%% #¤¤¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## It'S Smiling, You Can Hear It'S %%%%% ##@¤%**~^,
,^~****%%¤ Skin Shift To Reveal Its Teeth. And%%%%% ¤%%****~^,
,,,,,,^*%¤ Then The Wet Sound Of The Maw %%%%% ¤%*^,,,,,,
,^~**%¤¤@@ Opening, A Terrible Opening That'S %%%%% @@¤¤%**~^,
,^~**%¤@## Growing And Still Growing. %%%%% ##@¤%**~^,
,,,,,,~*%¤ ************%%%%%%%%%%%%%************* ¤%*~,,,,,,
,,,,^^*%¤¤ **************%%%%%%%%%%%%%************* ¤¤%*^^,,,,
,^~***%¤¤# ************%%%%%%%%%%%%%************ #¤¤%***~^,
,^~*%¤@### ###@¤%*~^,
,^~**%%¤@# #@¤%%**~^,
,^~~~**%%¤ ¤%%**~~~^,
,^~**%¤@## ##@¤%**~^,
,,,,^^**%¤ ¤%**^^,,,,