,,,¨.»%§£¶ ¶£§%».¨,,,
.¨,¨,¨=§$# #$§=¨,¨,¨.
.:~:*£@@## ##@@£*:~:.
¨~~†**£¶## ##¶£**†~~¨
,^«^*%@¶@# #@¶@%*^«^,
,,.,†\*¤*@ Kudzu @*¤*\†,.,,
,..,:†/£¤§ §¤£/†:,..,
¨,=**¤###@ ^;=^; :\=;: ;::\\ ^\;†* ;=:\^ ;==†; \\\; @###¤**=,¨
.^«†§### ††\; \††* :/=† ^=†/ †==: =\;; \/= ####&§†«^.
,^-*†£###@ :;* /;* ;=^ *^† :†= \=: */= @###£†*-^,
¨.«^%§§@## :^ *: *; /; /* \; /; ##@§§%^«.¨
,-=^*§@@## † :Kudzu/ Is * A =Plant= † ##@@§*^=-,
.,,~-=&¤&@ / ; / = For :Keeps† ; @&¤&=-~,,.
¨.¨,,~^$¶# : For /Tying^ And ; ; ; / #¶$^~,,¨.¨
,-~\*@%¤@@ * ; ^ Animal:Holds^ \ @@¤%@*\~-,
,:~:£¤¶### ^ \ = = ; * ^ ###¶¤£:~:,
,~»/=*££## \ ; ^ † ; = / ##££*=/»~,
,,,,,»†§@# † ; \ ; / / / #@§†»,,,,,
,.¨..»§*§¶ ^ \ ^ † : ; ^ ¶§*§»..¨.,
,,~/%$#£@# / ; / ; \ \ ^ #@£#$%/~,,
,.,¨=*/%$# This Vine Is ;From †Lands: Far :From #$%/*=¨,.,
..»:^£§#@# Kirugu,: And * Was Brought Over; For #@#§£^:»..
.:~***@@## Its Uses ^ In = * Binding ##@@***~:.
¨.,.¨,^~*@ Creatures,† \ Or / Spells, @*~^,¨.,.¨
¨~»*§$## * / * ###&$§*»~¨
.¨¨^«-$§¤# : = * #¤§$-«^¨¨.
..,,~=%*%& Ensnaring Those : Who Must Be Still &%*%=~,,..
,¨...,.^¤# / #¤^.,...¨,
,,~=^%*§£# It'S A Fast Growing= Monstrosity Which #£§*%^=~,,
¨,,¨,¨-=@¶ Will Eat Entire Vill†Ges As It Crawls ¶@=-¨,¨,,¨
,,..,¨¨«=@ Over Them. But / It Tastes Sweet @=«¨¨,..,,
,:=†§$§§¶@ And Has A Lowkey \ Hypnotic @¶§§$§†=:,
¨~=;§*#@@# Quality † ((Nice)) #@@#*§;=~¨
....==%$§@ (Think Sylveon ; Feelers) @§$%==....
,^«\*%£¶@# .. Probably Feeds This Way.. #@¶£%*\«^,
¨,«^//§£&@ @&£§//^«,¨
.,,,~«†*$# #$*†«~,,,.
¨,»==%&@@# #@@&%==»,¨
.,.~~*$@@@ @@@$*~~.,.
.^«;†£#### ####£†;«^.