####¤%§=:. .:=§%¤####
¤%=»»::... ...::»»=%¤
#¤%§»:.... ....:»§%¤#
###¤%§=»:. .:»=§%¤###
##%%===»:. .:»===%%##
##¤¤%§=»:. squinky» squinky» squinky» squinky» .:»=§%¤¤##
####¤§=»:. inky» squinky» squinky» squinky» squ .:»=§¤####
####¤%=»:. y» squinky» squinky» squinky» squink .:»=%¤####
####%§=»:. squinky» squinky» squinky» squinky» .:»=§%####
##%%%§=»:. inky» squinky» squinky» squinky» squ .:»=§%%%##
####¤%§=:. y» squinky» squinky» squinky» squink .:=§%¤####
####%§=»:. .:»=§%####
#¤¤%==:... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ...:==%¤¤#
#¤%=»».... ....»»=%¤#
####¤%=»:. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % .:»=%¤####
###¤%§=»:. % squinky [squinkies] % .:»=§%¤###
#%§§=».... % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ....»=§§%#
###¤%§=»:. .:»=§%¤###
##¤¤%§=»:. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .:»=§%¤¤##
¤§»»...... ......»»§¤
#¤%=»..... "squinky" is the colloquial name for a .....»=%¤#
#¤%%==:... plant whose cones are genetically ...:==%%¤#
###¤%§=»:. engineered to produce a nutritious sap. .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. the sap is often released when the cone .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. is squeezed, although some are instead .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. made to produce a continuous volume .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. (these are less suited for outdoor use). .:»=§%¤###
#¤¤§»»:... ...:»»§¤¤#
####%§=»:. while mainly used for human sustenance, .:»=§%####
###¤%§=»:. squinkies are sometimes also made to .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. have medecinal use (mostly as .:»=§%¤###
#¤¤%%§=»:. pain relief), or offering chemical .:»=§%%¤¤#
###¤%§=»:. properties such as lubrication. .:»=§%¤###
###¤%§=»:. additionaly, theyre used in the making .:»=§%¤###
##%§==:... of perfumes for their creatural smells. ...:==§%##
###¤%§=»:. .:»=§%¤###
#¤%=:..... .....:=%¤#
###¤%§=»:. .:»=§%¤###
##¤%=».... ....»=%¤##
¤§»:...... ......:»§¤