£££,,££,,£ £££,£££,,,
£,££,£££,, £,£,£,££,,
,,££,£,££, ,,,,,,£££,
,,££,,,£££ ,,,,,,£,££
£,£££,,£,£ ,,,,,,,,££
£,£,££,,,£ ######################################## £,,,,,,,£,
,,,,£££,,£ #£#£#£££*£********************£*£££#£#£# ££,,,,,,,,
,,,,£,££,, *\#*#*£ A Little Critter Can £\#*#\* ,££,,,,,,,
,,,,,,£££, ~~~~#~* Be Held In Your Hand. *~#~~~~ ,£££,,,,,,
,,,,,,£,££ ~,~,~,~*~**********************~*~,~,~,~ ,£,££,,,,,
,,,,,,,,££ ,,,£££,,,,
,,,,,,,,£, Open Its Capsule To Ressurect It £,,£,££,,,
,,,,,,,,,, (Letting It Breathe Real Air For The ££,,,£££,,
,,,,,,,,,, First Time Activates Its Metabolism) £££,,£,££,
,,,,,,,,,, £,££,,,£££
£,,,,,,,,, And There'S Your Tiny Creature! ,,£££,,£,£
££,,,,,,,, ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,,,,, * «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« * ,,,,£££,,£
,£££,,,,,, You Can Put It In Situations, ,,,,£,££,,
,£,££,,,,, You Can Dress It Up, £,,,,,£££,
,,,£££,,,, And You Can Eat It. (Completely Safe, ££,,,,£,££
£,,£,££,,, And A Lot Of Fun! ,££,,,,,££
££,,,£££,, They'Re Very Delicious.) ,£££,,,,£,
£££,,£,££, * «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« * ,£,££,,,,,
£,££,,,£££ ,,,£££,,,,
,,£££,,£,£ The Capsule critters Are Concieved By £,,£,££,,,
,,£,££,,,£ Our Skillful Bioengineers, And ££,,,£££,,
,,,,£££,,£ Mass-Produced In Three Factory £££,,£,££,
,,,,£,££,, Locations. After Quality Testing, They £,££,,,£££
£,,,,,£££, Are Shipped To Various Distribution ,,£££,,£,£
££,,,,£,££ Centers, And From There To Your Local ,,£,££,,,£
,££,,,,,££ Store. ,,,,£££,,£
,£££,,,,£, ,,,,£,££,,
,£,££,,,,, A Single Creature Toy/Snack Can Be Used ,,,,,,£££,
,,,£££,,,, For About Two Weeks, If Fed Properly ,,,,,,£,££
£,,£,££,,, With Sugary Water, Before It Runs Out ,,,,,,,,££
££,,,£££,, Of Nutrients. (Nutrients Are £,,,,,,,£,
£££,,£,££, Proprietary And Not Sold To End-Users). ,£,,,,,,,,
£,££,,,£££ ,,£,,,,,,,
,,£££,,£,£ ,,,£,,,,,,
,,£,££,,,£ £,,,£,,,,,
,,,,£££,,£ ,£,,,£,,,,
,,,,£,££,, ,,£,,,£,,,