¶¶££%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%££¶¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
¶%=»:¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨:»=%¶
¶¶££%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%££¶¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
£%%%%*=»:¨ korg volca ¨:»=*%%%%£
@£££%*=»:¨ :::::: keys :::::: ¨:»=*%£££@
£*»:¨¨¨¨¨¨ :::::::: ¨¨¨¨¨¨:»*£
@££%*==»:¨ ¨:»==*%££@
¶¶££%*=»:¨ yeah ¨:»=*%££¶¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: really lofi delay :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
##@¶%*=»:¨ :: built in sixteen step sequencer :: ¨:»=*%¶@##
£%==»»¨¨¨¨ :: three voice polyphony :: ¨¨¨¨»»==%£
££**=»»¨¨¨ :: the fifths mode is cool :: ¨¨¨»»=**££
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: toy form factor :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
£%***==»:¨ :: detune knob :: ¨:»==***%£
@@¶£%*=»:¨ :: ! analog subtractive synth ! :: ¨:»=*%£¶@@
£%%==»»¨¨¨ ¨¨¨»»==%%£
#@¶£%*=»:¨ needs six aa batteries to operate ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ tips and tricks ¨:»=*%£¶@#
@@¶£%*=»:¨ ::::::::::::::: ¨:»=*%£¶@@
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: detune knob goes up ten percent :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
@¶%*==:¨¨¨ :: both delay knob goes to the max :: ¨¨¨:==*%¶@
##@¶£%=»:¨ :: resonance goes to the max as well :: ¨:»=%£¶@##
@@¶£%*=»:¨ :: fifths or poly ring mode :: ¨:»=*%£¶@@
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: the rest is up to you :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
¶¶£%*»¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨»*%£¶¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ also ¨:»=*%£¶@#
¶£*==::¨¨¨ ¨¨¨::==*£¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: start while holding func :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: press five until its led is off :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
£**»»»::¨¨ :: press rec :: ¨¨::»»»**£
#@¶£%*=»:¨ :: insane tempo is unlocked! :: ¨:»=*%£¶@#
£%=:¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨:=%£
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
¶£££%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£££¶
#@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@#
@@¶£%*=»:¨ ¨:»=*%£¶@@