¨---^$$$## ##$$$^---¨
¨¨¨-«^$### ###$^«-¨¨¨
¨-«^$$$$$# #$$$$$^«-¨
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¨¨¨¨-«^$## ##$^«-¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨--^$## # «««««««««««««««««««« # ##$^--¨¨¨¨
¨-«^$$#### ^ the wolf pool exists ^ ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### ^ in a stale timeline, ^ ####$$^«-¨
¨¨¨-«^$### ^ branched way back ^ ###$^«-¨¨¨
¨-«^$$#### ^ when kirugu vargir ^ ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### ^ was almost barren, ^ ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### comprised mostly of rock and arid soil, ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### and plants were only starting to grow, ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### ^ at all... ^ ####$$^«-¨
¨-«^$$#### # «««««««««««««««««««« # ####$$^«-¨
¨,,¨.,:=%£ £%=:,.¨,,¨
¨:=:§*§¶@# misplaced explorers traverse the #@¶§*§:=:¨
¨,=:*§§### landscape, searching for a way back, ###§§*:=,¨
...,.~§$@£ finding instead only stone and dirt and £@$§~.,...
¨^«=§%#@## roots that are as hard as the ground. ##@#%§=«^¨
¨-=†%££&@# it's getting dark, they are thirsty, #@&££%†=-¨
¨¨,.=/^=†@ and about to find the wolf pool. @†=^/=.,¨¨
.,-:†££¶## ##¶££†:-,.
¨.¨:;/*#@@ .#. @@#*/;:¨.¨
.^~^§£&@@# #@@&£§^~^.
¨:=^^¤@### the pool lies in a small meteorite ###@¤^^=:¨
¨,»:=£¤### impact crater, sixty meters across. ###¤£=:»,¨
¨,~:%£££## it's surface is pitch black and even ##£££%:~,¨
¨-«^§@@#@# though it's not well protected, it is #@#@@§^«-¨
.^-*%§&@@# undisturbed by wind. #@@&§%*-^.
¨^«\†*@@## ##@@*†\«^¨
¨.,~;\££§@ ¨#. @§££\;~,.¨
,.~;†§£@## ##@£§†;~.,
¨-~†**¤@## as they stumble on the pool, the ##@¤**†~-¨
¨.=:%££@## explorers first believe it to be water, ##@££%:=.¨
¨.-*%£¶@## which is something they all desire ##@¶£%*-.¨
..,¨.-;*£# greatly at this point. they fail to #£*;-.¨,..
¨:~/%$££@# notice that the stars do not reflect on #@££$%/~:¨
,¨,,-«~%¤# its surface. one of them crouches to #¤%~«-,,¨,
,^~*=&¤### drink, forms a cup with his hands, ###¤&=*~^,
,,,~^\†*¶# lowers the cup into the pool. #¶*†\^~,,,
,.«/†*=*§# #§*=*†/«.,
.,.¨¨-=$ he tries to resist at first, but is too #&$=-¨¨.,.
,:»;*£@### close, and he quickly gives up as the ###@£*;»:,
¨~~:§§¤@## liquid flows into his mind. the others, ##@¤§§:~~¨
.^=;†¤@### = not understanding the»danger, move ###@¤†;=^.
.-~\^£¤@£# closer to help their.friend. #£@¤£^\~-.
.,~^*£&¶@# , - ~ - . #@¶&£*^~,.
.^»†%#¶@## and.then,the¨pool¨announces,itself ##@¶#%†»^.
¨.¨,:,=*£# to.them¨-¨sudden¨^,thoughts,of¨ #£*=,:,¨.¨
¨,..,=$@¤# .-=dark~wolves~¨climbing~out,of,,.- #¤@$=,..,¨
,,-:^§§### =»»the«pool,~surrounding=them/-;;^ ###§§^:-,,
¨~»^†@@#@# ;sudden/thoughts=of~~^climbing;*% #@#@@†^»~¨
¨,-†^*&@## into=the;pool,=their%thirst$flaring$ ##@&*^†-,¨
¨,=;§§£¶#@ *%%bright*-*&a$sudden£$awareness# @#¶£§§;=,¨
¨:-;†$&@## #%of$#exactly££how&they¤had#traveled,$# ##@&$†;-:¨
,,«/$&§### #£of§the@way#home#@to#the@time@from£@ ###§&$/«,,
,..~^~%§¤@ #@where@they#came,##@@#@#and@then#### @¤§%~^~..,
¨:-/%*¤¶@# #####the#feeling#of#this%knowledge/- #@¶¤*%/-:¨
,.~==&£@## «-being ~ stolen == from ~-« them. , ##@£&==~.,
,.¨¨~^:*@¶ =» ¨ »«« ¨ «, .» - ¶@*:^~¨¨.,
,.,¨¨¨«/§& . ., - ¨ &§/«¨¨¨,.,
,..¨,.«=†# . . ¨ ^ #†=«.,¨..,
,~«^^%@### ###@%^^«~,
,^=\$£¤¤§# ,#. #§¤¤£$\=^,
,¨,,¨=»$=# #=$»=¨,,¨,
,,~^*&£@## and, ##@£&*^~,,
,¨¨¨:/§&&£ £&&§/:¨¨¨,
¨,.¨¨,¨=*§ now the reach of the pool has widened. §*=¨,¨¨.,¨
¨:»/%@@### now its wolves see further. ###@@%/»:¨
.~=†=@## ##@#&=†=~.
¨-~=%@#### ####@%=~-¨
.,.-«†*% #&%*†«-.,.
.,,.=*§@%# #%@§*=.,,.
¨,¨.-~/=*§ §*=/~-.¨,¨