##§§§~~~-¨ ¨-~~~§§§##
####§§;~-¨ ¨-~;§§####
###§§§;~-¨ ¨-~;§§§###
#####§§;~- -~;§§#####
####§§;~-¨ ¨-~;§§####
###¤$=;»,. . . .,»;=$¤###
¤¤$$;».... , , ....»;$$¤¤
¤¤$;»..... ;; ;; .....»;$¤¤
###¤$=;»,. ;»» two ways of being lost. »»; .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. ;;;»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»;;; .,»;=$¤###
¤$;»,,.... ,»»» lost: .»»»;»»». lost:,»»,, ....,,»;$¤
¤¤=»...... ,not knowing where , forlorn, unfit , ......»=¤¤
#$$;;,.... , you are, unable , for some purpose,, ....,;;$$#
###¤$=;»,. ,, to backtrack, , unredeemable, », .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. , on willowed ways »;» and strange. » .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. ;;;»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»;;;;; , .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. , we're coming up on the last night », .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. ,in teh forest dome... i am relocating , .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. , closer to the work mill... . .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. . . .,»;=$¤###
¤¤==»..... i don't trust the shamans operating . .....»==¤¤
###¤$=;»,. the digiflesh tranference network... my .,»;=$¤###
#¤¤¤$=;»,. bike is not allowed in the tunnels in .,»;=$¤¤¤#
###¤$=;»,. from the forest dome (smuggling .,»;=$¤###
##¤==»,... charges)... it's too far to go by ...,»==¤##
###¤$=;»,. foot... .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. .,»;=$¤###
##¤$;;;»,. so an urban dome it is... for me... .,»;;;$¤##
¤$$$;;»... not a prosperous one, not an important ...»;;$$$¤
#¤=;»»,... one (for several decades at least), but ...,»»;=¤#
###¤$=;»,. a rough and somewhat peculiar .,»;=$¤###
###¤$=;»,. collection of abandoned housing .,»;=$¤###
##$=;;»»,. projects. and the likewise abandoned . .,»»;;=$##
###¤$=;»,. attempts to unify it with .,»;=$¤###
##¶§$†*-:. ¨ the rest of the domes. ¨. .:-*†$§¶##
§^=^,¨.,., ,.. , ,.,.¨ ,.,.¨,^=^§
#£&†:^:»,. -~» yah... last night... ,^, .,»:^:†&£#
¤£=~:,.¨,¨ ,,~ sleep well, forest dome. .,. ¨,¨.,:~=£¤
###¶%§/«,, -,,,.»~~=«~~~~-«=~~-»,^-~-~~ ,,«/§%¶###
#*%§=†~,.. ..,~†=§%*#
@@†§==,,¨¨ ¨¨,,==§†@@
¤%*%;::.¨, ¨¨¨¨,,,..¨¨.,.. ,¨.::;%*%¤
¤&§**/=~¨. . inarizushi... ¨..,¨¨.,, .¨~=/**§&¤
##=†$=~,,. ,.¨¨., fox ear sushi... ¨ .,,~=$†=##
###¤£†;»., ¨¨.¨,¨,.,.,,¨¨¨¨¨, ,.»;†£¤###
#¤*»~,.... ....,~»*¤#
#@%::~,¨¨, ,¨¨,~::%@#
###@&††=., .¨,¨,.,¨,¨,,,,¨, ,.=††&@###
#¶¶£%%/~,. ¨ whisker job... , .,~/%%£¶¶#
#@@¤§*\«,, .,¨,.¨,¨¨,.¨.,., ,,«\*§¤@@#
#@&*;/~.¨¨ ¨¨.~/;*&@#
@@@£$=^-., ,.-^=$£@@@
#@¶£$*\».. ..»\*$£¶@#
@%:^-¨¨¨., ,.¨¨¨-^:%@
##@@§*/~,¨ ¨,~/*§@@##
###£$$*=-¨ ¨,...¨.¨,,¨¨.,,.¨¨,¨,. ¨-=*$$£###
###¤¤*†=,¨ . eating glowsticks... . ¨,=†*¤¤###
@@@§£†=~~¨ ,,¨¨,.¨.¨.¨¨¨¨¨¨¨.,¨¨. ¨~~=†£§@@@
##@£%*;»^, ,^»;*%£@##
#§£*††*»-¨ ¨-»*††*£§#
@&£^^=:^¨¨ ¨¨^:=^^£&@
&&¤#¤§^«~. .~«^§¤#¤&&
#@@§$§\--¨ ¨--\§$§@@#
###&¤*/~.¨ ¨.~/*¤##
¶§%^=:..,¨ ¨,..:=^%§¶
##¶@£*=~,. ,¨,¨,,,¨,,¨¨,.¨¨¨.,¨.¨.,,, .,~=*£@¶##
##@§§†/=,¨ ¨ dissolving the belly ... . ¨,=/†§§@##
#¤$^=^,.., ,..¨ dissolving the skin . ,..,^=^$¤#
#@##*%;»,¨ ¨,., ¨...¨¨ ¨,»;%*##@#
#¶¤=§/»-:, .¨ phosphorous entrails . ,:-»/§=¤¶#
¤%~=..¨,,¨ . flowing out onto ...,¨¨ ¨,,¨..=~%¤
####%†\~^¨ ¨, the asphalt .,. ¨^~\†%####
#£$/::..¨¨ ¨.,.¨,¨.,¨.¨, ¨¨..::/$£#
#§@£=/,.~¨ ¨~.,/=£@§#
#£*;-..,¨. .¨,..-;*£#
@£#¤%§:«., ,.«:§%¤#£@
£##$*^;-.¨ ¨.-;^*$##£
##¶¤§**~-¨ ¨-~**§¤¶##