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..¨..,~«†% Theres ,,~ Fuckig@N Spire %†«~,..¨..
,¨.,¨¨.,»\ \»,.¨¨,.¨,
,,,.¨,,~;* Wherever Ya Go There It Is ¤§If Ya Turn *;~,,¨.,,,
,,¨..:-;%$ Just So There It Always Is $%;-:..¨,,
,,¨.,=\%¤@ @¤%\=,.¨,,
.¨¨-~:^$@# %%**†* #@$^:~-¨¨.
,¨--^*§£## †% Unless Its A Rain. The Only Refuge =* ##£§*^--¨,
..»=$$§### %$%%%* Someti ###§$$=»..
,,^=\%£¤@# #@¤£%\=^,,
.,,^~;%£££ Sometiems They Come From Out There And £££%;~^,,.
,.,,-«\^%& They Dock¤ Their Ships &%^\«-,,.,
¨,,,¨.==†& &†==.¨,,,¨
.,,.,,:»=% As Much As Y Loathe The Tower, The %=»:,,.,,.
,¨¨.¨...=† Visitors Usually Bring Lots A Batteries †=...¨.¨¨,
¨,.¨¨.,==% To The Mark#¤*£T %==,.¨¨.,¨
,.¨.,^~\†@ @†\~^,.¨.,
,..,:~;%&§ So We Arent So Starved §&%;~:,..,
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