###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
#§§§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§§§#
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
§$===»,,,, ,,,,»===$§
#§§§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§§§#
#§§=,,,,,, § §§§§§§§§§§§§§§ § ,,,,,,=§§#
###§§$=»,, §= §=,,,,,,,,,,,,=§ =§ ,,»=$§§###
####§§$=», §, §, ,§ ,§ ,»=$§§####
####§§$=», §, §, beer ,§ ,§ ,»=$§§####
#§$=,,,,,, §, §, ,§ ,§ ,,,,,,=$§#
###§§$=»,, §= §=,,,,,,,,,,,,=§ =§ ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, § §§§§§§§§§§§§§§ § ,,»=$§§###
§§$$»,,,,, ,,,,,»$$§§
##§$$»,,,, beer is a kind of tea brewed on humle, ,,,,»$$§##
##§$$=»»,, a very viney plant. the process is ,,»»=$$§##
###§§$=»,, somewhat complicated but we've been ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, doing it for years. ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
#§§$$$=»,, the beer drink affords us a baseline, a ,,»=$$$§§#
§$=====»,, reasonable something to have a few of ,,»=====$§
§§=,,,,,,, in the fridge. but it can also be ,,,,,,,=§§
###§§$=»,, powerful and strange. ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, it can be nondescript, it can be very ,,»=$§§###
§$==»»,,,, descript. better ones have a stronger ,,,,»»==$§
###§§$=»,, taste of the humle. in quantities it ,,»=$§§###
§$$==»»»,, can get you drunk. but its a stable ,,»»»==$$§
##§$$=,,,, drunk most of the time. ,,,,=$$§##
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
§§§§$$=»,, ,,»=$$§§§§
#§§$=»»,,, ,,,»»=$§§#
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###
###§§$=»,, ,,»=$§§###