,,,,,&&,&& ,,&&&,,,&,
,,,,,&&,&& ,,&,&&,,,&
&,,,,&&,&& ,,,,&&&,,,
,&,,,&&,&& &,,,&,&&,,
,,&,,&&,&& ,&,,,,&&&,
,,,&,&&,&, , , , , , , , , ,,&,,,&,&&
&,,,,&&,,, , ¤¤††¤¤ , , ¤¤††¤¤ , &,,&,,,,&&
&&,,,&&&,, , ¤¤»»&&»»¤¤ , the , ¤¤»»&&»»¤¤ , &&,,&,,,&,
&&&,,&,&&, †»»&#&&»»† ¤ ¤ †»»&#&&»»† ,&&,,&,,,,
&,&&,,,&&& , ¤¤»»&&»»¤¤ ,¤¤ shower ¤¤, ¤¤»»&&»»¤¤ , ,&&&,,&,,,
,,&&&,,&,& ¤, ¤¤††¤¤ ,¤¤ ¤¤, ¤¤††¤¤ ,¤ ,&,&&,,&,,
,,&,&&,,,& # , , , , , , , , # ,,,&&&,,&,
,,,,&&&,,& ¤ deep below ¤ ,,,&,&&,,&
&,,,&,&&,, ground level, several elevators down, ,,,,,&&&,,
,&,,,,&&&, in the dark water where the surface ,,,,,&,&&,
,,&,,,&,&& light doesn't reach, and warmth comes ,,,,,,,&&&
&,,&,,,,&& mostly from below - here is the shower. ,,,,,,,&,&
&&,,&,,,&, ,,,,,,,,,&
,&&,,&,,,, it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. ,,,,,,,,,&
,&&&,,&,,, your feet feel the cold stone floor, ,,,,,,,,,,
,&,&&,,&,, your hands find the rubber handles to ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,&&&,,&, guide you into the cabin. ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,&,&&,,& &,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,&&&,, and then, the hot water, the ,&,,,,,,,,
,,,,,&,&&, underground rain. drenching you, ,,&,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,&&& lathering you. infused with oils and ,,,&,,,,,,
,,,,,,,&,& scents. and then, also from above, the ,,,,&,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,& shower creatures. first their black &,,,,&,,,,
,,,,,,,,,& velvet arms, touching, and then entire ,&,,,,&,,,
,,,,,,,,,, bodies. chests and snouts. ,,&,,,,&,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,&,,,,&,
,,,,,,,,,, the creatures are meant to comfort you, ,,,,&,,,,&
&,,,,,,,,, keep you entranced, and keep you from ,,,,,&,,,,
,&,,,,,,,, leaving the cabin prematurely. this ,,,,,,&,,,
,,&,,,,,,, whole ordeal works best if you are not &,,,,,,&,,
,,,&,,,,,, transformed too early, and are instead ,&,,,,,,&,
,,,,&,,,,, allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. ,,&,,,,,,&
&,,,,&,,,, &,,&,,,,,,
,&,,,,&,,, you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, ,&,,&,,,,,
,,&,,,,&,, modified, liquified; dissolved and ,,&,,&,,,,
,,,&,,,,&, drained... and then brought back, &,,&,,&,,,
,,,,&,,,,& slowly, waking as the water dries off &&,,&,,&,,
,,,,,&,,,, of you. cabin open to the cold air ,&&,,&,,&,
,,,,,,&,,, tickling your fresh-born mind. creature ,&&&,,&,,&
&,,,,,,&,, hands gone, you step out. ,&,&&,,&,,
,&,,,,,,&, ,,,&&&,,&,
,,&,,,,,,& later, elevator back up. new body. &,,&,&&,,&
&,,&,,,,,, &&,,,&&&,,
,&,,&,,,,, &&&,,&,&&,
,,&,,&,,,, &,&&,,,&&&
&,,&,,&,,, ,,&&&,,&,&
&&,,&,,&,, ,,&,&&,,,&