,,,,,,,,,, ,,,§,,,,,,
§§§§§§§§§§ §§,,,§§§§§
§§§§§§§§§§ §,,§,,§§§§
§§§§§§§§§§ ,,,,,,,§§§
§§§§§§§§§§ ,§§§§§,,§§
§§§§§§§§§§ List Of Vanished Artifacts ,,§§§,,,,§
§§§§§§§§§§ §,,§,,§§,,
¨#§§¤#§. ¨¨,¨.¨¨....,,.,¨,¨¨¨¨,¨¨¨,,,..,.¨.¨,,¨¨. ..¨,,.¨...
..£§#£##.. ,,¨,.,,..,.,¨....¨.¨,,.,...¨....,.,..¨,¨ ¤¤&¤§@£§
,,¨§£&£.¨. ¨.¨¨. List Of Vanished Artifacts ¨,..¨ #£&£@£#¨
¤&,.&@..#& .,¨.,.¨¨.,..¨,,.¨¨.....¨,,,.,,¨,¨,¨¨,,,¨ #@£@##,,
¨¨,¨.,..,. ¨¨..,.,,¨¨,..,,.,.¨,¨,,,..¨¨..¨¨¨¨.¨¨,.. §££§&¤&,,.
&@@¤££¤#@§ ¨§£@&¤¨¨#&
§#§&&§£¤§, ~=-~=«~««~~==~»«~~»-~-«~-~-»»-- ¨¨#£¤,.,,¤
§¤§§#@£@., = Things I'Ve Bought In Shops « ,¨¨£,.££.,
,§£££##.¨, »»«~«~~»-==~«~~~=-=~====»~»-~«» §&¨¨,¨..,,
,¨&££¤,¨£¤ §,,¤¤&£@&@
¨..¤&,¨.., Teal Tape Player With Too Many Buttons ...,£§&&§¨
£#¨..,§£¤§ ¤¤&.,#£#.,
..,#@,,§£@ A Crate Of Used Ibm Floppy Disks - A ##,¨..£,.,
##¨¨¨.,¨#& Cent For The Whole Thing ,..¤§.,.@§
#¨.@&&£,,¨ &§.,¨.£..§
,.,¨¤@.¨§¤ Brand New Floppy Disks In Aluminum Or ...&¤,,,..
&@@¨¨.¨¨,£ Clear Plastic ¤&.¨¨¨#&¤§
@&,.¤¤&@¨, ,.,¤£¨,#¤&
£..,,@#¨,. Ikea/Te Frekvens Microphones #¤,¨.¨¨¨§@
¨,@#,¨.,¤& ,¨,£@§&¨.¤
¨,,¨¨@&,.¤ Ny fatcap ¤§,.§§.¨¨.
¤£..,.., ,¨¨,¨.¨£#&
§¤#,,&£¤@§ Multilevel Fold-Out Copper/Glass Mirror ##@¤#§¨.££
§@,¨,.¤¤§¤ (Could Reflect Sunlight Even Without A ¨£&@£¨¨,,£
@¨,§£..#¤. Line Of Sight To The Sun) ¨.#§¨.§@..
.¨.,,..,.. ¨.¨.¨,,.¨.
¤@¤#&&§@@§ Two Super Long Grundig Dictaphones In @£#@@#§#
§¤§§£&¤§@§ Purple/Pink Gold Colours £@¤##&£§#¤
&@&§¤§&§¤¤ ££#£&@@§§@
@¤£¤¤§@&§@ Pebble-Sized Coins With &£&§#£
¤£@&£#¤§#§ Playstation Symbols §@£&@@£##@
@£¤@#£&£§§ £&£§¤¤@@&£
@¤#§#§##£@ Collection Of Two Centimeter High Amber §§@&¤#£@#@
@§#¤£##£§# Figurines Of Various Creatures And @&@£@¤§@¤§
#££@##¤§¤£ Characters ¤#£#£#¤&@&
#£#&£¤@£&§ #¤##¤&&@@#
¤&@&¤&§§ @#@§###£
¤#££#§@#§# #§£§#@##¤#
#§&§£§£@ «««=»=«==~~=»~~=-»-~»~~~~=» #£§##£@££#
@§§¤@£##@£ « Things I'Ve Been Gifted - §§§&§¤¤&£¤
§¤#¤@§£§ ~-=«~=~«~-=-===~»~««~«-«»»~ @£¤£¤¤&£#£
&§#¤£§£§@£ &&§¤§§&&
£@#¤&£§£ A Computer (Looked Like A Gen Three ¤#&@£@@@
§£¤&££@@ Imac) Filled With Blueprints For Planes #££#§&£#
&§&&¤##¤#§ And Sleek Spaceships ¤£&¤@§@#
§&&§#£¤¤£# §££&£¤&&
#£§#£@@§£# Six By Three Cm Glittery furry sticker ¤£&§#££@¤¤
&§@§§¤@#@# (Grinning Purple Wolf On Yellow-Green §¤£¤£#&&§£
@£#¤£@ Leaves) @£&£¤§£##&
£#£¤¤¤#&@§ §§@£§@¤&&¤
#@¤#£§&§§& Tiny Metal Dragon/Horse Figurine #&£@@§@@£@
##§£@#¤§&£ ¤¤§#¤#&§§§
¤£§£¤##§£& Old Instant Camera With Three &@§#¤£&¤
#§¤#&@£#¤£ Dimensional Focusing Joystick #@¤@&£&&£@
§&@§£@§£ ¤#§&£££§##
§§#£&@§£ Photographs Of My Teeth And Tongue, §@##¤£#@
§#££#§#&&¤ Taken From Inside My Mouth @#¤&§¤¤&¤&
&§#§@@#§££ §§¤#@£&§
£¤@@£#£§£& Monster Truck-Sized Regular Car With A £¤¤¤£&£§#£
@#£¤&@#§@¤ Minimum Speed Of Forty Kmh ¤@§@&&@¤
@#£@¤#§£ £&@¤£#&§@#
&§@§§# §§£#§#&£@&
¤£@§§&&§¤£ &¤#¤@#####
£§£#¤£¤£££ »«»»«~»«»~-»»~=~--»-««- £##¤£§@£¤§
##&@§&£&&@ ~ Stolen/Found Things = #§@£&§@&¤¤
£§&&@#§£&& =~==»~-«~-==~=»««-~«»~» §§@§#¤&&£§
#¤¤¤#§¤&¤¤ @£&§@¤§§#@
&¤@££¤#£¤& Strange And Very Large Flash Card £§&@#¤@@
§£@&§@¤@ @&@¤§#£@
&@@@@&@#£§ Cassette Tape Tagged With Blue Ink #@@#£#@@¤#
£§£§§§¤#£& #¤&@@@§£
£@@&@&@# Sticker Sheet (Tiny Foxes Doing Various §¤¤&£§¤££#
¤¤&§&¤§£¤# Facial Expressions) ##@@¤#§££¤
¤§£¤§§#@#§ #¤§££@¤§¤@
§#£#¤&@&££ Lots Of Toothpick-Sized Drippy Pens #§##@¤§&¤&
#£§#@¤@¤ With Fluorescent Neon Ink #¤¤@#&§§
¤§£&¤&£££§ @¤#&¤£#¤§#
#¤£#£§§§¤# Mirror That Shows You Post-Transition £&¤&@¤¤#
¤§@§@§£§&@ #¤£##¤@¤
§§£&¤#§@§¤ &¤##§§¤§
@@¤¤@##£¤@ #¤§@§#¤#&£
£§&§&§#§£& #@§¤¤£¤§#§
£¤&&£§§&£# @#¤@#¤&@¤£