¨,¤,,&..¨¨ ¨ . ¨ , . , , . , ¨ . . , . , ¨ ¨ , ¨ ¨ &¨.,,,¨@,,
.¨¨£,.#¨.. ¨ . ¨ , , ¨ , ¨ ¨ , . ¨ , . , . ¨ , . , @&,,,,.,#,
¨.,,£..&¨¨ , ¨ ¨ . ¨ , . . ¨ , ¨ , ¨ , . ¨ ¨ . , . ,#§¨.¨¨,,#
#,¨,,@,¨@, ¨ , , ¨ ¨ , ¨ ¨ . , ¨ ¨ , . . , .££#.¨,¨¨.
.£,.,,&,,& ¨ ¨ . ¨ . . , ¨ , ¨ . ¨ . . . , ,§.@@¨,,..
¨,¤....¤¨, dark . night,.bright light. ¨little ¨,¨#.¨,.
,.¨@.¨,.@, soot-cat ,hiding from the , ion plume. ¨.¨#¨@¤¨,.
.¨..&,,¨¨£ , . ¨ , . . . , . . . ¨ . . . . ,,.,,@¤@.¨
¨¨..,§¨¨.¨ a grungy¨teenager,,with soot smeared #¨.,.£.@#.
,,....£,¨¨ across.her ,eyes, . under the shadow . ¨¤¨...¨§¤¤
£¨,¨,¨¨@.. of what , they , call , the,spaceship. ,,@..,¨£.¤
@#,¨¨,.,#, ¨ , ¨ . , ¨ ¨ , ¨ .¨,&,.,¨¨@
¨¤§,¨.¨,.@ a secret ordinance aimed at the sky, §,.,&,,,.§
,¤¤¤,¨.¨¨, fuel still being synthesized offsite. ##,¨,@,,,.
.&.§§¨¨,,, she's. . a , sentinel.¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ §¤¤.,,£¨.,
¨.,¤&§,.,¨ she thinks: , soon we will create &,£¤¨,,£,.
,,,#.§@,.¨ cavities ¨ ¨ within , the . ¨ satellite. .,&¨.¨#.
,,¨..@@§¨. , ¨ . , , . ,¨§,#@¨..#
£¨¨,,§¨£§¨ the spaceship morphs ever so slowly, ..¨¨§#&..¨
¨§,¨,,¨&§¤ casting and recasting shadows as big as @,.,£¨¤@¨¨
¨.£.,,,#,§ entire districts. but currently, she .§,..¨@§&.
,,.¤¨¨..¨£ would be in the open, if not for hiding ,¨@,.,@,¤¤
¤¨..¤,,,¨& in a , hollowed , out delivery truck. ¨.,#,¨..§£
¤¤,..¤,¨,, £¨,.@.,.#¨
&&§,.¨£..¨ spaceship . hovering, . ion exhaust, . &§,.¨£,¨,,
@,¨.¨£.. spore ¨ exhaust, an otherworldly &£#¨¨¨§¨¨.
.,¤§#,,.£¨ snowstorm of alien dandruff (and the £¨§&..,&¨¨
,,&.§£¨..¤ air perpetually compromised, making .¨£§¤,,,§.
,,,,§&¤.,. them breathe in all sorts of nice ,¨£,¤£¨.,£
£,,¨¤¨§&¨, things leading to all sorts of ,¨¨.#§§.¨,
,@,,¨¨§&&. reasonable states) .,,¨§¨¤#,.
¨¨¤,,.¤,¤& ,.¨¨,.@#¤.
,,,£..¨¨¤# ...,¨,£.#@
@,¨.&.,.#. ,¨..,,¨¨&@
£&¨.,¤.,¨¨ .,¨,¨,,¨@.
#@§¨,¨#¨¨, @¨,¨,¨¨.,¨