.¤..¤.¤¤.. ¤.¤¤¤¤..¤.
.¤¤.¤¤¤.¤. .¤¤...¤.¤¤
¤¤.¤¤..¤¤¤ .¤.¤..¤¤¤.
¤.¤¤.¤.¤.. ¤¤¤¤¤.¤..¤
.¤¤.¤¤¤¤¤. ¤....¤¤¤.¤
¤¤.¤¤....¤ water.dream .¤...¤..¤¤
..¤¤.¤...¤ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ¤¤¤..¤¤.¤.
..¤.¤¤¤..¤ ¤..¤.¤.¤¤¤
¤.¤¤¤..¤.¤ ¤¤.¤¤¤¤¤..
¤¤¤..¤.¤¤¤ the water we drink in the village is ..¤¤....¤.
¤..¤.¤¤¤.. very clear. our crops are very healthy. ..¤.¤...¤¤
.¤.¤¤¤..¤. only good animals live here. ..¤¤¤¤..¤.
.¤¤¤..¤.¤¤ ..¤...¤.¤¤
¤¤..¤.¤¤¤. those who wander in from the outside ..¤¤..¤¤¤.
¤.¤.¤¤¤..¤ perish. we do not offer them to drink ..¤.¤.¤..¤
.¤¤¤¤..¤.¤ anymore but they always find the stream ..¤¤¤¤¤¤.¤
¤¤...¤.¤¤¤ themselves, or eat of the land close to ¤.¤.....¤¤
..¤..¤¤¤.. it. .¤¤¤....¤.
..¤¤.¤..¤. ¤¤..¤...¤¤
¤.¤.¤¤¤.¤¤ a shame, perhaps, but we don't need ¤.¤.¤¤..¤.
¤¤¤¤¤..¤¤. them anyway... we already have all we ¤¤¤¤¤.¤.¤¤
.....¤.¤.¤ will ever have. .....¤¤¤¤.
.....¤¤¤¤¤ ¤....¤...¤
¤....¤.... ¤¤...¤¤..¤
.¤...¤¤... ..¤..¤.¤.¤
¤¤¤..¤.¤.. ¤.¤¤.¤¤¤¤¤
...¤.¤¤¤¤. .¤¤.¤¤....
...¤¤¤...¤ ¤¤.¤¤.¤...