the skyscraper that moves         
 tainaron  is   a   building   owned  and 
  operated by amata texnologiyasi placed  
 closed  to  the  harbor  in  malmÖ. it's 
 roughly sixty floors high  (real  number 
    unknown), dark blue and completely    
    rectangular. it features no signs,    
 lights,  or   ornaments,  apart  from  a 
 helipad  on   top.  most   floors   have 
 exterior walls completely made of glass. 
 in  late evenings,  shrouded  by malmö's 
 signature  fog rolling in from the  sea, 
 the building comes  to life: it moves on 
 a  thousand   robotic  legs  to  another 
 (secret)  part of town, or  perhaps  out 
 to sea.  this  signals a  new  and  more 
      viscious phase of the tainaron      
 the  guests  arriving  during  the early 
 evening are treated to food  and  drink, 
 live  music,  beatutiful  views,  and  a 
    comfortable but maze-like interior    
    structure (the building features a    
  multitude of stairwells and elevators,  
 placed seemingly  at random, none  going 
       further than a few floors).        
 as  time goes on, the lights slowly dim, 
 until the air  inside has taken  on  the 
 same quality as  the  surrounding  mist: 
 blue-gray, sprinkled with the  small red 
 dot's by door locks and  control panels. 
 if  you  would look through the  windows 
 you  would see  the mist rolling by, and 
 perhaps   the   outline  of  some  other 
           building, far below.           
 during  the  night,  after  tainaron has 
 started  moving,  the lower  floors  are 
 shut off, preventing entry or  exit  for 
 the  guests. food is  no  longer served, 
 but the drinks become more  extravagant. 
 it's at this point  that the second  set 
 of   guest  arrives,  via  helicopter  - 
  amata texnologiyasi and their friends.  
 in my dream  i am invited as a friend of 
 one  of the servers,  and thus  safe. we 
 sit   in  one  of  the  large   windows, 
 looking   through  the  mist   for   any 
 landmarks  to  pierce through the  mist. 
 she tells me that apart  from coming and 
 going  from work, she's  never seen  the 
 building from the outside. we both sigh. 
 the next day  i am invited to the public 
      demonstration of the exobubble.