&.&....&&& &&&..&&&..
&&&&...&.. ...&.&..&.
&...&..&&. &..&&&&.&&
.&..&&.&.& &&.&...&&.
.&&.&.&&&& &.&&&..&.&
&&.&&&&... tell them you need to take a call, and &&&..&.&&&
..&&...&.. go south. sneak between the houses, &..&.&&&..
..&.&..&&. getting smaller as you go. &&.&&&..&.
..&&&&.&.& cross the train tracks... ..&&..&.&&
&.&...&&&& exit the western industrial dome. &.&.&.&&&.
&&&&..&... &&&&&&&..&
....&.&&.. as you push through the thicker snow .......&.&
&...&&&.&. outside, you become a witch again. .......&&&
.&..&..&&& shapes in the dirt become runes. .......&..
.&&.&&.&.. pawprints become hidden families. you .......&&.
.&.&&.&&&. adjust your course. &......&.&
&&&&.&&..& &&.....&&&
....&&.&.& the ermines make fine meats. one call &.&....&..
....&.&&&& and they would come willingly. back in .&&&...&&.
....&&&... the dome, what they give you for &&..&..&.&
&...&..&.. eating... it's not right. it's nothing &.&.&&.&&&
.&..&&.&&. you can feed on, not really. &&&&&.&&..
.&&.&.&&.& .....&&.&.
.&.&&&&.&& but it's likely you're still under .....&.&&&
&&&&...&&. observation. south is a weird direction &....&&&..
&...&..&.& and so you probably warrant some &&...&..&.
&&..&&.&&& attention. interacting with the ..&..&&.&&
..&.&.&&.. wildlife is out of the picture. ..&&.&.&&.
..&&&&&.&. ..&.&&&&.&
&.&....&&& you adjust your course. ..&&&...&&
.&&&...&.. ..&..&..&.
.&..&..&&. &.&&.&&.&&
&&&.&&.&.& &&&.&&.&&.
&..&&.&&&& &..&&.&&.&
.&.&.&&... .&.&.&&.&&
&&&&&&.&.. .&&&&&.&&.