....££..££ ..££££££..
£££....... £..££££..£
££..££££££ ....££....
.....££££. .££....££.
££££..££.. ....££....
.££......£ / / / / / / / / / .££....££.
....££££.. ////// //// //// //// //// //// ....££....
£££..££..£ //// //// //// //// //// £££....£££
££........ //// ~ //// Sylveon //// ~ //// ££..££..££
£..£££££££ //// //// //// //// //// £........£
....££££££ / //// //// //// //// //// ..££££££..
£££..£££££ / / / / / / / / / £..££££..£
££....££££ //// / / / / / / / / ....££....
...££..££. //// / / / / / / / / .££....££.
££........ //// / / / / / / / / ....££....
...££££££. / /// / / / / / Countersense Fairy / / £££....££.
££..££££.. //// Canine? / / / / ££..££....
.....££... /// / Palliative? £......££.
££££....££ / / / / / / / / / ..££££....
.££..££... Appearance: Sylveon Resemble Dogs In / ...££..££.
........££ / Many Ways, With Similar Small Bodies ££........
£££££££..£ //// / And Faces. They Are Small And / ...£££££££
££££££.... / / / / Nimble, And With White Fur. // ££..££££££
£££££..£££ / / / / / / / / / // £....£££££
££££....££ / // / / //// ..££..££££
£££..££... The Most Striking Feature Is / / // .......£££
££......££ Their "Ribbons", / / Long Flat Feelers ££££££..££
£..££££... That They / Use To Bind / Or To £££££....£
....££..££ Interface With / The Minds / Of Others ££££..££..
£££....... / / / / / / / / // // // // £££......£
££..££££££ / The Ribbons Play A Large Social / .£..££££..
.....££££. / Role Among Sylveons. / / / / .....££...
££££..££.. // // They Induce A Sense Of Wellbeing, ££££....££
£££....... / And Can Ease Pain If / Applied / / £££..££..£
££..££££££ Close To A Wound. / / / / It Is Thought ££........
.....££££. They Feed Off The Pain Of Others / / £..££££££.
££££..££.. //// / / / / / / This Way. / ....££££..
.££......£ //// / / / / / / / / £££..££...
....££££.. //// / / / / / / / / ££......££
.££..££..£ //// / / Sylveon Are Great Partners £..££££...
.......... To Humans, But Care Should Be Taken / ....££..££
.££££££££. To Limit Exposure To / Ribbons, / / £££.......
..££££££.. / Since With Prolonged Contact / / / ££..££££££
...££££... / The Consciousnesses Start To Blend, £....££££.
££..££..££ An Environment In Which / / / ..££..££..
.......... The Sylveon Is Much More At Home, / ..........
££££££££££ / And It Will Take Advantage. ££££££££££
££££££££££ / //// //// //// //// //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / Medicinal / / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ ... !!! / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ //// / / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ Its Sap / / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ // / / / Poison / / //// Putting ££££££££££
££££££££££ Thoughts //// / Into / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ Not Killed. / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ //// But Is / Loyal / (Lie! Lie!) ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / / // ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / / //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ The Nature Of The Coma Depends On The ££££££££££
££££££££££ Intensity Of The Sylveon'S Feeding. / ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / //// You Will Succumb To A / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / //// Fast-Growing Addiction / ££££££££££
££££££££££ / That Leads To A Submissive / / / / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ //// //// And Sluggish State / / ££££££££££
££££££££££ ////// //// //// //// //// //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / Eventually / You Will / Slowly Slip // ££££££££££
££££££££££ / Into / A / Long / Slumber, /// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / Becoming Sap / / In The Vines/// ££££££££££
££££££££££ ////// //// //// //// //// //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ ////// //// //// //// //// //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ //// //// //// //// //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ / / / / / / / / //// ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££
££££££££££ ££££££££££